Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Halloween it's the lions again

I’m writing this two weeks after the fact so you will have to excuse me if I don’t remember a lot of things that happened and begin to make things up to fill in the blanks.

Camp Halloween 2010
The girl this summer went to camp and had a Halloween day where they went as devils. They loved the costumes and wanted to use the costumes in October. Well they could not find them for the school parade and went as lions.

On Halloween their costumers were found buried on the floor of the closet. My isn’t that a surprise.

The plan for this year was all different from last year. Last year we got together with everyone else and the girls went out with Billy, Dennis, Cory and Ryan. This year we were going to go to a haunted house in upper Nyack, then trick or treat on Broadway.

I had decided to make Cajun meatloaf for dinner during the week and to make fajitas for dinner that night. I started on the meatloaf at three-thirty and figured I had enough time to make both. I did but we were still an hour late, because I didn’t leave enough time to make both. Meaning there wasn’t enough time but I still make them and we ate dinner before we left.

We got down to Nyack and the Haunted house fifteen minutes after it had closed. Not a good start to the night for me. We then joined the flow of people on the street and went to several houses.

Trick or treating in Upper Nyack is like I think I remember it being as a kid. Thousands of kids out on the street and it's safe and fun.

Yea, Lions again at the Halloween parade.

Elena did almost get hit by a car. I walked between two cars and was in the process of telling the two of them to wait when Elena decides I was going to say run real fast and she darts out into the road. What saved her was the driver was going very slow and maybe my yelling stop at her. If she had hit the car she would have glanced off the passenger side door and should have been ok. Luckily we did not have to find out. She stopped in time and I then reached her and pulled her into my arms for safe keeping. Some people thought I pulled her out from near the car. I didn’t, I wasn’t close enough. It was scary. She will forget the incident as soon as she feels the need to rush out into traffic without looking.

The night ended early for them and late for us. They both got too little candy (them) and it is still early. And they had enough candy (Us) and it is getting late. It is another memorable Halloween. I just wish I could remember what they went as. When I add the pictures I’ll remember. It sucks getting old. The only thing good about it is you can raid their candy after they have gone to sleep.

One last beach picture before we go into Winter.