Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Seems like wev'e been this way before

I took off June 28th and 29th. I'm heading up to Danbury Ct. to help ferry the new kids and their chaperone's around. It sounds like a lot of fun, sort of. They will be going to Chuckie cheese for a few hours then to a women's house to swim and have a barbecue. They all should enjoy the swim and the food, I don't know how much the sixteen year old will enjoy Chuckie cheese. It's been quiet a few years since I was there and it was only once I think. So I don't really remember much about it.
one lump or two*
    Now a little perspective on my youngest. Even after she gains two siblings she will still be the youngest, but only by seven months. She is quite the interesting character. She is funny, shy, an uninhibited young lady at times (she has flashed me more then once to try to embarrass me.) She has a temper and a mouth that get her into trouble. She is stubborn and willful. Yet she is a push over and very sweet. She is lazy and has no self confidence. Yet what kid at that age ever did. She loves to sing and has written a few songs that are full of heart and beautiful. And she can lie with the best of them when it is in her best interests or when she is caught doing something she shouldn't be doing. She is totally dedicated to her sister and we were afraid she would get lost in the shadows.
* warner bros. bugs bunny cartoon- can you guess the charactor?