Saturday, December 12, 2009

Such little ladies

This is a story I really should save and tell it on one of their wedding days. Things like what happened should be saved and put away for the time you can get maximum benefit from them.
We were all at the dinner table on Friday night and things were a little crazy, like usual. It was Teri’s weekend to have Tony and the girls were a little wired with it getting close to Christmas. I was teasing Nastia about something, it is a bad habit that I picked up from my father, he was big on doing that and I thought I’d long since grown out of it, guess not. I’m trying not to do it and if I do, I’m trying not to overdo it and it turns mean. Anyway, I say something to Nastia and she gets mad and goes into the front living room. I go after her and I pick her up by the waist and start walking into the dining room. In the hallway near the stairs, I walking and patting her on her backside, which is up in the air and towards my face. Really do I have to go on and say it? Ok, she goes and farts in my face! At first, I don’t know if she has exploded or something so I stagger backwards and put her down. She is not sure of my reaction and when she see I’m not mad she starts laughing and runs into the dining room. I go into the room and Teri is laughing and Elena is laughing. I sit down and Elena comes over and farts near me, runs away laughing, next it is Nastia, finally it stops.
Such little ladies,
the next night Elena tries to do it when we are upstairs and I quickly put an end to it, such little ladies