Sunday, August 11, 2019

For the nineteenth time in her life, it's Elena's birthday!!

Elena's birthday started early this morning. A few minutes to three in the morning Anetha, our white farty dog,
Teri's favorite child, the one who sleeps on the bed up against Teri's leg and almost pushes her off the bed, for some reason decided she needs to sleep at the head of the bed next to our heads. I wake up and push her away. She tries it again a few moments late and again I push her away. I see Teri's phone light up across the room and think maybe she is scared of this so I go over and flip them over. I get back into bed. By now Teri is awake and she starts to pet Athena. Things seem to calm down a little when two people walk down the street, I guess the bars were closing. I get up to pee and when I come back Athena has stretched out in my spot and pushed the cover all up in a pile. I not to kindly shoo her back down to the bottom off the bed. Now Teri has to go and when this happens all the dog want to go too. Teri leads them outside and I wait sitting on the bed with a headache. It's the best way for me to get rid of this type of headache, I slept in a bad position and have a bad neck. Teri doesn't come back so I go downstairs. She is sitting in the chair in the living room saying she can't sleep now and I should go back to bed,which I do and of course I can't sleep either. Nasita passes the door and goes to the bathroom. Finally I fall asleep after four or so.
     I wake up several times during the morning and finally get up around eight. Teri and I go in to wake up Elena to wish her a happy birthday. I want to annoy her to consciousness. Teri the nice parent doesn't want her to wake up grouchy. Elena wakes up as we are discussing it. Teri then proceeds to torture her by singing happy birthday to her, She wakes up happy. I offer to get her a birthday bagel or I will warm up an egg sandwich. She chooses a birthday blueberry bagel with butter.
      Last night Nastia says she has a UTI and she has to go to the doctor. Elena quips Nastia should keep her hands out of her vagina to avoid a UTI.
      Nastia is also now awake and she declines an Elena birthday bagel. I go get Elena's bagel so she can eat before the two of them go to the Immediate Medical Care in Nanuet. They are being adult about this. Teri and I both are liking it.
      Elena eats and they leave. About a half hour later Nastia calls saying they won't take our insurance because it is out of New Jersey. This infuriates Teri who then has a select few works about it while pointing out if we lived in New Jersey and got sick in New York they still wouldn't take it?
       It might cost Nastia up to $200.00 for the visit. We'll submit it to the insurance company and see what happens. They are gone for an overly long time and Teri calls them reminding them that we are supposed to be to the mall by 2 pm. I try reminding Teri it is Elena's birthday and it really doesn't matter. 
       It is agreed we will go to Dave and Busters at 2pm. Teri goes off to pick up Nancy and I am left to take the girls to the mall. Jessica will get there on her own. I have some time and I didn't sleep real well last night, so I take a short nap. At 10 to 2 I get up, get the girls and Elena drives my car over to the mall. Knowing how Teri is about being on time I should have gotten up a little earlier because we are late. It doesn't make any difference in the grand scheme of life but to Teri being on time can be a big thing. She feels that if you are on time for the little things, then being on time for the big things will come easy. She is right, but sometimes it really doesn't matter.
       At Dave and Busters I go through all the cards I have collected over the years. When I used to go there regularly I had accumulated quite a few points. I find the card. It has twenty-five thousands points on it. I put it aside. I collect the cards with points on them and left over credits. I put some money on three cards and have two or three cards left with a few credits on them incase someone runs out early. Teri, Nancy and I go sit at a table and prepare to order lunch. It's not going to really be lunch, it's more of a snacky thing. I order nachos, Teri orders a combo dip plate, Nastia orders hot dogs wrapped in pretzel dough and Tater tots. Elena orders a massive burger with fries and a drink with an electric ice cube, it's really cool and weird. Jessica a smaller burger. Nancy orders a philly cheese steak. No one finishes their meal. All the appetizers are huge and the bill is a little larger than I'd hoped. With tip its $135.00.
       After food the girls go about playing games. It starts to get loud and Teri says she has to leave. She and Nancy head to Macy's. A wander around play a game or two with the girls and they decide it's time to cash in their tickets. They won only a handful. I add up what is on all the card except mine. It comes to about 3,000 tickets. If I add in what has been on my card for the last decade it amounts a little over 28,000 tickets. If they can find something good I will add my tickets in so they can get it.
We walk into the prize area and there is the usual crap. I look around on the top shelves and what I see is not spectacular. There is an XBox game for 100,000 tickets. Elena finds a bluetooth speaker she wants Nastia is picking out crap to just have. She wants a remote control helicopter. It makes me think it would be cool if they had drones. I don't see any. Nastia hold onto the helicopter. On the top shelf in the corner Nastia sees the drones. I take one down and they look it over. The Drone is 13,000 tickets. I go and recheck the tickets on the cards and yes I can get two drones. I ask if they want the drones and get an enthusiastic yes. I feel bad for Jessica, I just don't have enough tickets for three drones. We get the drones and head home
  At home the instructions say charge the battery for 90 minutes before use. So the girls head to the park to walk around. They come back home too late to use the drones. We are finishing off the day with ice cream from Dairy Queen.
      Northvale Dairy Queen is the closest, it takes at least twenty minutes to get there. We get in just before a rush, most of us ordering Blizzards. We sit outside and can feel the weather begin to change. Fall is coming sooner than any of us want. With it comes no high school, we have two college girls this year. Those thought and the cool weather put a slight chill through everybody.
       At the end of the day Elena came into the living room and I asked her if she'd had a fun day, she said she had. I told her we should try to make the next three hundred and sixty five days as fun. She doesn't seem convinced.