Sunday, October 2, 2022

Summer's almost gone, almost gone, where will we be...*

In the flash of a quiet wink, summer left us the other day. It did turn around and blow us a kiss as it left. It just left like a spoiled child running away when no one is looking. I thought it might stay around a littler longer, but it's cool nights of August left no illusion. It is done with us and is headed south of the equator.
What makes it worse is after three weeks of no one swimming in the pool, it was covered today. To me that is the offical end of summer. The water is long past warm enough to swim in and I ran out the chlorine, so it turned a lovely shade of green a while ago. I dumped some liquid chlorine in it last week hoping to get the time (ambition) to cover the pool. Two weeks ago the pool is closer to swimable then it is today when it was covered.
Usually I uncover the pool in the spring by myself and recover it in the fall by myself. It is a peaciful and almost theraputic excercise. I'm left alone, because no one wants summer to end and I have a way of putting the top on the pool using rocks that works. In past seasons Teri has warned me that the rocks will fall in and damage the liner. Occationally the rocks have fallen in and I say nothing and come spring I recover them.
Today, Sunday September 25, 2022 Teri must have felt guilty and decides to help me. She comes out and asks what she can do. And the thing of it is she will do what is asked of her, but usually I'll have nothing in mind for her to do, because I do everything by myself. I'm not sure if I plan it that way or it just happens. One time years ago when all my friends were dating girls and I was single I got comfortable being with myself, maybe I'm too comfortable. Sometimes it feels that way. Teri wants to help and I think why not, what's the worst that can happen. Well then she brings out a very relucent Elena. When Elena doesn't want to do something and your force her, well you pay the price. A long time ago, or maybe not too long ago I had to restrain myself from putting her through a wall and yes, I've told the story, maybe a few times too many, but I try to always remember that night and when it come to Elena, I try to remember the lesson learned that night. Don't get into it with her. So she comes out and is cranky, I make the old cranky pants joke. When she was younger, I called her cranky pants and her reply was, "I no cranky pants, you cranky pants" So I said the line and she didn't remember having ever said it. I'm sure she also doesn't remember her song Pachestyzuby and chocolate milk. Which means brush your teeth and chocolate milk, right I know an instant classic. Elena mostly supervises, occationally she is asked to hold the end of the cover and she does it with all the enthusiasm you'd expect. Teri and Elena take a break to look at a strange shaped mushroom. The cover goes on pretty well and we are done in a short while. So now Summer is offically over. Christmas seems like it will be next week. I'm already trying to thinking about gifts for people.
* Yes another Doors song Summer's almost gone Summer's almost gone Almost gone Yeah, it's almost gone Where will we be When the summer's gone? Morning found us calmly unaware Noon burn gold into our hair At night, we swim the laughin' sea When summer's gone Where will we be? Where will we be? Where will we be? Morning found us calmly unaware Noon burn gold into our hair At night, we swim the laughin' sea When summer's gone Where will we be? Summer's almost gone Summer's almost gone We had some good times But they're gone The winter's comin' on Summer's almost gone