Friday, March 20, 2020

A blast from the past?!

It's Friday and I don't know if I wrote it down, but a few days ago as Nastia came home from hanging out at the empty mall (maybe the safest place to be now?) Teri and I told her and Elena, who'd come home earlier and we told her then, that there was to be no more hanging out with friends until the Covid-19 is over. They could go to work and come home. I really don't want them going to work and being around all of those people who may or may not have the virus. Covid-19 for all you future people who are reading this now and don't know about Covid-19, it just like a winter cold, except it is ten times more dangerous. Some people will get it and the symptoms will be mild, other will get it and get real sick, maybe die. What makes this so scary is there is no shot for it and if life went on like normal the healthcare system would be overwhelmed and more people would die. Look it up along with the Spanish Flu of 1918-19.
It's been three days about since Teri started working from home and RCC has closed. There is talk, loose talk that things might not get back to normal for a long while. From what I've heard it should peak in the first week of May about five, six weeks from now. The weather is not really good to be outside. It is the first day of Spring and the winter was mild. The last few weeks temperatures have been in the forties and fifties, but even if the girls could go outside, where would they go? The parks are supposed to be closed, though people still walk around  Conger's Lake. So they stay inside. Nastia got an extra shift earlier in the week and Elena still goes to ShopRite five times a week and works about thirty hours.
Elena's therapist's office was closed for a cleaning last week and this week he wanted to do a remote session, but Elena refused to do one. I hope she doesn't try to drop therapy again. There are still a lot of demons running around in her head that she has left out of therapy.
Nastia told me one day recently that she needed a boyfriend, it surprised me. I thought that any day now she'd say that Taj and her were officially dating. She then went on to say that failing to find a boyfriend, maybe she could just find someone to hook up with. I remember being that age and understand.
Now the part of the story I wasn't sure I'd put in. It is a little bit illegal and I think a lot of people might disapprove. But since I only have two people who read this on a regular basis (Hi, Elene, Hi Ruth) how many people can I disappoint.
Drugs are a fact and along with a bunch of other things that exist out there we both accept the fact that our girls can and will get a hold of these thing even if we don't want them to. So when the girls decided they wanted to make pot brownies we said get the pot and we'll make them here. One night Elena brings a small bag of it home. A real small bag. It had two, maybe three small greasy looking buds in it. I asked Elena to bring it over and I took a good long inhale of it. I remembered the smell. A couple of nights later Nastia wanted to make the brownies. I asked her if she had any brownie mix? She looked around the house and then called her sister who was still at work to buy some brownie mix. Around nine or so we get together to make pot brownies, or as this generation calls it weed brownies. I take the heads out of the small bags and begin to shred them, taking out any twigs and search for any seeds. I want to plant them. I found three hard lumps that I doubt were seeds, but I put them aside any way. The shredded pot/weed I mix the whole amount into it figuring this way no one will smoke the remains, plus who wants weak pot/weed brownies. Nasti adds the eggs, oil and something else. Elena mixes, I pour it into a 13x 9 which appears to be too big. The brownies cook and when they come out they don't look or smell any different. I like brownies, so I take a large piece. It's around 10 or so. I don't feel it until I'm in the shower about 11:30. I start getting light headed and my feet seem to be a long distance away. I ignore it, get dressed and go to bed. About 1:03 or so I wake up. The world is spinning, my mind is racing and I need to sit up on the edge of the bed. I've never felt this way and it is not a pleasant feeling. I feel paranoia creeping into my head and I push that away. As my mind races it feel I've been sitting on the edge of the bed for twenty minutes. It has been two. I begin to wonder if the pot/weed was laced with something else because I don't remember pot/weed being like this. I head down to the basement bathroom to try and throw up and not wake Teri up. If I were to wake her up she'd get all nervous and we'd end up in Nyack's Emergency Room, with all the Doctors laughing at the old man who tried pot/weed again and couldn't handle it. The trip to the basement is long and dangerous feeling I hold on with both hands going down the two flights of stairs and when I get to the bathroom I try twice to throw up, but it has all been digested and I'll just have to ride it out. I sit down on the bed and look at the clock. It is now twenty to two. I  decide I'll just have to lay down and hope for sleep. Surprisingly it happens quickly. I wake up around six and still feel like my feet are a long distance away. I can get around and after a little debate I decide that if I can drive safely to West Nyack, I'll go to work. At work I am quiet and trying to concentrate on work. I am sleepy and I can't concentrate. I leave work a little after five. I don't think I was a 100% over the pot/weed until sometime last night and even not I wonder sometimes. It was a long strange trip Jim Morrison.
Elena being cool said it was like when she smoked some (what?????!!!!!!!) and she said that when Nastia said she didn't feel it, it was because she slept through it.
I think I'm done with eatables.
