Friday, November 25, 2011

Fun was had by all

I was going to call this the long pee to home or the first time I heard my daughter say s..t, but when I walked in and Teri asked how was it I said fun was had by all and that seemed more appropriate.
The day started with the girls asking to go bike riding and I had to do some work. I told them that after I come back we could go. I got back about 3pm and they still remembered that I had promised. So we put some air in the tires and off we went. It was the first time I let the girls ride their bikes on the road and then on the sidewalk to the new walkway around Conger's lake. They biked and I walked the about two miles to the park. I figured they would ride around the park and we would come home. No such luck. they wanted to play on the swings, talk to Sally Ann who was in the park. Then finally play basketball with some stranger and his daughter.
  I told them it was time to leave, the sun was going down and the air was getting a chill in it and I figured by the time we got home it would be dark. We start bike riding and walking and about a third of the way home
  Nastia informs me she has to pee.
   I say  "I'm sorry there is no place to go until we get home."
  She says  "Well I can go in the bushes."
  No You have to wait until we go home."
  She then informs me she is tired and hungry. I give her a push to get her going in the right direction and we push on. We get to the new wooden walkway around the lake and she trips as she tries to push the bike. As she tries to stop going a over it I hear her go "Ah sh.t"
  I know they curse, and when they spoke Russian only, they spoke like truck drivers, but this still surprised me, I don't know why, but it did. I tell her it is in my parent contract that if I ever hear her talk like that again I must beat her, she smiles and says "whatever" for that I smack her.
   During all this good old Elena is riding her bike like she is taking a tour and taking in all the sites. She stops and waits and I push Nastia to keep her going. When she gets on to wooden walkway, about halfway and she hears that Nastia has to pee and she is tired and hungry, well I'm sure you can guess that suddenly I had two kids with the same problems. We struggle up the hill on Lake road and Nastia shows me the bar that was giving her cherries earlier in the school term and the same place she will never stop into again until she has passed her twenty-first birthda and then hopefully not.
  Finally we get home and I tell the girls to go inside and finally pee. And much fun was had by all.