Thursday, May 12, 2022

Nastia and her boyfriend split up.

I have mixed emotions about this. I didn't think they were right for each other, but Nastia is the type of person who needs to be in a relationship. And when she is she goes full out for it. She makes most of the sacrifices. The problem with the two of them is both of them are looking for someone to take care of them. Her ex-boyfriend is a moma's boy who went to school to become a color commentator for football games. I talked once to him about football, he was very good, but the problem is almost all of those jobs go to ex-football players or coaches. He also has Joe Muller motivation. I know you'd think after the life I'd lead that would be a very stop laughing, it's really not that funny. I am admitting to being lazy. And a lazy person can spot another one. I wasn't surprised to hear he was big into playing X-box, or whatever they play these days. I would be doing the same if I was his age.
I did hear when he broke up with her that he said she was immature. I laughed and hear the kettle calling the pot black. Yes Nastia is immature. Spend your first years of life with an alcoholic mother, then get tossed into an orphanage at around the age of four or so, while in the process, you live for a time in a mental home, then spend several year in a better orphanage where your sister finally joins you. You suffer the abuse that I'm sure your thinking happened there and finally at the age of nine years old, having spent up to that time more then half your life in these places two stranges who don't speak your language come and take you with your sister to a strange new world where you still don't speak the language to make a new life. Now twelve years later, you speak the language, but have trouble reading it. Your first relationship was with a guy who when he came to see you, at least from my prospective put you last on the list of important people in his life. His list started with his grandparent, then is Aunt and finally you. In the last year of their relationship he'd come down from Albany for the weekend and you'd get to see him on Sunday evening before he left. Her second relationship, the current ex, she would get up in the morning and go over his house to be with him. When they were out on dates and she was the one who pointed this out before I noticed, she'd pay the majority of the bill on dates. After a while she'd make excuses for him, like he has student loan debt, he's saving for a car. Yeah, all true, but you on and off were going to school, you were working part time, not full time at a most likely union job. You were making minimum wage.
I'm not angry at him for ending the relationship. I've been on both sides of the coin and know how it hurts. I was a stupid guy when I broke up with a girl and left her the key to her apartment and a note. I'm sorry I was a stupid guy back then. So I can't fault him for breaking up with her by face timing her. He's a moma's boy, just like I was and what is done is done. I feel very deeply for the pain my daughter is going through and it is a pain most everyone of us have felt. Some of us wall off our feeling and vow never to
love again, others like Nastia will recover in their own time and go out looking for the love of their lives and when she finds it, that person will be the luckiest person in the world. When she was in the orphanage back in Russia she made a decision to be happy. I don't imagine ever being able to make that decision under those circumstances,if ever, but she did and she remains that happy person. The man who eventually loves her will receive that love back a thousand time over from her. She is an amazing, strong, loving person. Oh, God, she is a gift. /