Wednesday, May 17, 2023

We're meeting the possible future inlaws over dinner and a movie

It’s a warm day in mid May. It’s not air conditioning warm yet, but it's getting there. Last week Guardians of the Galaxy 3 opened up. The Muller side of the family gathered for a ‘Holy Communion for Mahew and the next day Billy and Alyssa’s engagement party. Guardians would have to wait. This week Amanda was due to give birth, maybe on mother’s day or if she held out, maybe her mother’s birthday. Someone got the bright idea to make seeing Guardians an event and invite the possible in-laws to see the movie. It was settled late in the week to have pizza at PrimaVera Pasta in the Dickman building near the railroad tracks, then to go to the 8:15 showing of the movie. Dinner went well, there were eight of us and we ordered three pies. We were a little light on pie, but who expected Sean’s skinny little sister to eat four slices. We sat around and talked, Teri and Sean’s mom doing most of it. Everyone tried to be involved and friendly. It went well. The movie started at 8:15 and ended around 11:00. It was a bit of a surprise how long it was. Everyone said good night and how they had a good time together. Nastia asked me a couple of times if I was looking forward to meeting Sean’s parents and everytime she asked I said, no. I’m not sure if she understood why. I guess it’s the meeting of people who might be in your life for the rest of our or their lives that makes it a big deal. When Teri and I introduced my mom tot Teri’s parents at a Mexican restaurant in Haverstraw around thirty years ago; each were going to be in each other’s lives for the next twenty odd years. Amanda gives
birth to a son 7lbs, some odd ounces Sunday night, Mother’s Day. Nastia who is dying to be around babies (“Not yet my own Daddy.” She says) offered to help out Amanda while she is in the hospital. She offers to stay at Amanda’s apartment down the street near St Paul’s church overnight. She and Sean go down to the apartment Sunday night to walk the dog and stay with the dog. They come back a little while later saying the dog has peed on the bed. I guess the dog is not happy being left alone for so long and let someone know. Sean and Nastia are not able to stay there because of that so they walk the dog and come home. Amanda should be back at her apartment today or Tuesday at the latest. The baby develops a breathing issue and stays at the hospital while Amanda comes home. KJ should be released by Friday. Teri is alway difficult when it comes to Mother’s Day. In past years I’d wanted to cook brunch over her protests. This year when I asked her what she wanted to do, she said she wanted nothing. That was what she was going to get, except Elena decided she wanted to take her mother out to breakfast for Mother’s Day at Pancakes Plus. I stay out of it. If she wants to do it, I’ll go. Amanda is in labor, so Nancy is at the hospital. Sean has gone home to spend some time with his mom. Elena pushed her mother to get ready to go out. Elena, who does not see the morning sun on her days off, is ready to go at 9:00. When I got up, I got dressed, so I am ready. Nastia somehow got ready. Sean left to have time with his mother on Mother’s Day. Nancy is at the hospital waiting for her first grandchild (feels weird saying it, writing it, even thinking it.) We drove over to Pancakes Plus, in Nanuet. Surprisingly the wait I predicted (over an hour and a half) is zero. We went in and sat down. All four of us order pancakes. Teri and I have craisins and walnuts, Nastia has chocolate chips and Elena strawberries, and blueberries. Nastia keeps stealing bacon from me and sausage from her mother. It is a nice time. I haven’t been out to breakfast in so long; I am shocked at the bill total. The girls split the cost. I leave the tip. I think it’s on the way home Elena starts talking about learning to drive a motorcycle again. Before that she talked about the new Nintendo Switch game console. I don’t remember how it transpired, but with Teri’s blessing I tell Elena if she’d give up the motorcycle forever I’d buy her a Nintendo Switch. She thinks about it and says, “No”. I countered with ten years and then lowered it twice more because she kept saying, “No”. I give her a final offer of waiting until she gets her other tattoos she is waiting for until she turns 26. After a few minutes of probably intense internal emotional debate she finally says,” yes”. Nastia then butts in saying, “I want a motorcycle too.” and she wants the same deal. This time it is my turn to say, “No”. At home I feel bad and Teri says I have to offer her something, she can’t get something for nothing. I go up to her room and tell her if she wants a Nintendo Switch, she has to go back to college part time for a year. I’m thinking she will get her degree. It’s her turn to say, “No”. I thought it was a great offer. I guess she didn’t. I feel very modern when I order the Nintendo Switch online for pickup in store. I put Elena’s name down so she can go and pick it up and I never leave the house. I also never see the switch. When Elena comes back the game goes to her room and if I want to see it I have to visit her room. What a racket! I hope I don’t regret doing this. I feel we’ve saved her life for the next five years. I hope when she turns twenty-six she’ll realize a motorcycle is too dangerous for this area and the Naruto anime she wants on her left arm is childish. Will some future person please look at her arms and let me know if the wait is worth it? on the motorcycle too please!