Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What the heck did she eat?

Mesha, or Misha as Teri says it is spelled the second way, is a bright energetic dog who is a bully to Athena and Nancy's dog, Navel. Is scared of Bandi and has too much energy for her and everyone else's good. She is a great dog, much loved. We got her just after I lost my job at Cream-O-Land Daries. It was April or May, when Teri heard that Dapper Dog had some rescue German Shepherds and in our phone call Teri informs me that Elena wants a German Shepherd. I don't want to spend the money, but Teri says she'll pay for it, we have enough money for the dog. I counter that we already have two dogs and a cat, that's enough. We don't need an other dog. On my way to get the dog Teri calls and says there is only one left, so hurry. I don't. I get there in time to get this small ball of fur to bring home adoption fee is $500.00. A deal, because if you bought one from a breeder, it would be at least twice that. I get her home, the girls are at school, it is a bright sunny day, unemployment has not gotten me down yet, so I take the brown ball of fur outside and introduce the other two to her. She reminds me of a bear, so I call her bear. I take video of her and everything is good.
     Flash forward three and a little more then three quarters of a year and we have just gotten paid for our house being used in a movie and we are just settling back into a normal life, when Teri walks into the house and says she smells poo. We both walk around and yea, the house smells, but no mess. Teri notices something hanging out of the southern end of a north bound Mesha. We shoo her outside and Teri, always the brave trooper says,  "You hold her and I'll pull it out." I grab her around the stomach, Teri, her hand covered holding a paper towel gives a tug and Misha gives out a little yelp. It's off to the vet.
     Teri's friend Sally Ann's brother, Uncle Doctor Eddie, is a vet, but he lives and practices in upstate New York, too far away. Our only choice is Valley Cottage Animal Hospital. I have nothing but bad memories of the place. It is the place we bring animals to die, who get sick on a weekend. We took Cody there because she wasn't eating. It was a Sunday, Her kidneys had quit working, she never left alive. It still kills me all these years later. I feel I betrayed her. It was just because she wasn't eating and she ends up being put to sleep. It was just so unfair, no one w3as prepared for it. We'd just gotten the girls six months earlier.
     We bring her in. The Doctor looks at her feels her stomach and says he will have to operate. The sooner the better. She ate something and if it is bad he will have to cut open her intestines, maybe cut out some dying part if it is real bad. She could die. It could also be easy to remove and she'll be fine.
     We leave a deposit of $2500.00 on a balance which could reach $10,000.00. We tell him to call us once it is over, no matter the time. He says he will operate hopefully within the hour.
     I think we received a call about nine-thirty that night. Teri picked it up. I happened to be walking by. Early in the conversation she gives me a thumps up, it looks good, it was an easier operation then expected. He was able to milk it out (like as in milking a cow.) (his words) to remove it. What was it, maybe panty hose. She was to be kept quiet for up to two weeks, We made it a day, maybe two before she was her self and as active as ever. We thought about giving her Benadryl to quiet her down, instead we took away all of her balls for a week. We purchased a blow up tube instead of the cone of shame ( see the movie 'UP' if you don't understand) It was too hot for her to wear.
     Later in the week Athena and Mesha got into a fight and Athena popped it, a little pool patch, good as new.
     About two plus weeks later, she has a scar, a shaved belly and no after effects from her adventure. I guess God does protect the dumb sometimes. He has for me.