Friday, November 1, 2013

It rained, but it didn't snow or Nor'easter

When I heard it was going to rain on Halloween 2013 I thought that it was not fair three years in a row bad weather. Teri pointed out that they are not made of sugar and would not melt, she was right they didn't.
   The night started after I got home from work. The girls were ready to go. I was waiting for their mother to get home. They asked if they could go local and I thought why not. They went to the corner to Luke's house, then they went over to Laurens house ( in the back to the right) then over to Ann and Bills (back to the left) all of this on the run, so much energy and joy. It made me feel sad that they had missed out on so much in their first years of their life. The more I watched them run from house to house with that joy for life that I remember once having, the more I wished they had been here for all of their lives.
Then I thought they could of never come here and experienced any of this. Then I came out of the romantic haze I was in and noticed they were criss-crossing the street and not looking for cars, so I started walking down the center of the street telling them to watch as they crossed the street until they heard me. By then Teri was home and it was time to go to North Broadway in Nyack. We were there a few years ago and it was like Halloween was, or was always supposed to be in the fog of my memories.

  We walked up Broadway doing the eastern side streets until we reached Castle Heights Ave in Upper Nyack, We then turned around and went back to the car. It was almost 9pm by then, we ate dinner at the West Gate Motel in the empty restaurant. Food was OK. We got home before 10pm and most everyone was in bed at a reasonable hour.
   I forgot We went to the Stony Point Haunted House the day before.
   It was off exit 14 on the Palisades near the Park in a garage run be four or five twenty something guys that put a lot of time and effort into it. The side yard of the house was a grave yard. We spent a few minutes in the grave yard while they got ready. There was no crowd, but people did wander in as we left.
   Elena lead, because she was not afraid. After a ghoul jumped out at her she handed the light and the lead to Nastia, who really didn't want it. The trip through the haunted house lasted only a few minutes was a lot of fun.