Thursday, December 3, 2020

Covid burn out

I really don't know if this one will get published. I'm tired of Covid and all the people getting it. The virus has resurged this fall and people are being careless. We had one guy at work come in with covid. The theory goes he must have played soccor with his buddies, caught it there and came into work not knowing it. He works in the packing
department packing meals. He works right next to a women who is about three months, she catches it. The whole packing crew catches it because they were not wearing their masks properly or maybe not at all. I really don't know. A guy named Arturo from the dog food part of the company stepped in to help the packer before anyone knew what was going on and he too got it. A couple of chefs have it and everyone is still not wearing their masks properly. Some chefs in the kitchen have their mouths covered, but their noses exposed, that from what I understand is a waste of wearing a mask. I understand wearing a mask is realy awful. I can't wear it all day long either. When I go into the office in the morning I have my mask on. At night I put my phone and key board in a particular way that I will know if anyone has touched them. Even if they have not I wipe down my desk and anything in the office that I think I might touch during the day. Once I sit down at my desk I will take off my mask. If I get up again I will put it back on. I don't leave my desk without it. If someone comes over to talk to me, it goes on again. I hope this is enough. I really don't want to stop vising my mother who is 86, I think. It's selfish, I know, but especially now I hear that clock ticking loudly.