Thursday, July 5, 2012

From one disaster to another...

   Last night Nastia was told to comb her hair before she went to bed. I went up to kiss them good night and I notice she had not combed her hair. Disregarding a direct request like that I have found out over the last few years drives me crazy. I tell Nastia to get out of bed and come down stairs. I was so mad, too mad so I let teri talk to her. She stands there brushing her hair while we talk to her about responsibility. Teri tells me after she leaves to give the money for the trip to a councilor so it doesn't get lost.
   The girls went to six flags in Jackson NJ today. We had to get them there before 7:45 to catch their buses. Leo...d goes to soccer camp like usual. He still doesn't like it but like the Russian he is he will put up with it. Girls are to be picked up at 8pm.
   I pick Leo..d up at three pm and ask him if he is hungry he says yes and it has become the ritual to get him something to eat now everyday after camp. Feed teenagers and they may like you. We stop off at the rest stop on the Garden State which has Nathans, Burger King, Sabaro and Dunkin. I point and say hot dog, pizza Hamburger. He surprises me when he says Hot Dog and Pizza. Which is what he got. He eats it and I take him to Lynn and Erics so they can take him to the West Nyack Swim Club. A Russian speaking kid Max might come. He doesn't, but Leo..d and Billy and Dennis and Lynn all have a good time. They then take him to a dinner of Pizza. He then spends time at their house playing video games and I pick him up at 9:45pm.
   Now the girls, I am so very unhappy with them. After last night and the hair I feel I want to try and get Nastia to become a little more responsible. So I give her twenty dollars and Elena twenty dollar against my wifes wishes. I figure both won't lose the money.
   When I go to pick them up I find out someone spent fifteen dollars on a drink and the other pissed away her twenty on something else, An..a got nothing. A Camp councilor had to buy her some food, as well as buy some for Elena. I had trouble understanding it when they told me. I kept asking why didn't she get food? Where did the money go? I'm still having trouble understanding how these two very thoughtful girls could of left no money for her? Nastia is the same person who asked us for a few rubles to give a homeless women in Moscow a few years ago. I am completely at a loss.