Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Elena makes Pulled Pork, her parents go out to a movie and the Meat Song

Elena gave grief this week and last week about cooking dinner. She was down right nasty on Monday. I heard her and Nastia still up around 11:30 on Sunday night. Nastia is still unemployed, but Elena had work on Monday. After work, on Monday Elena takes a nap. I like taking naps and if done right you feel more alive or at least more willing to put up with people. She did it wrong, I guess. Dinner Monday was Spinach, raviolis, pesto and mozzarella cheese cooked in the oven. It was good. She is called by her mother to set the table for dinner. After a while, no Elena. Nastia sets the table and Teri calls Elena for dinner. I might have even called her on the phone too. Still no Elena. Teri is mad, me, I’m like, well, more food for us, her loss and if she’s not down when we’re finished, she can unpack it and warm her own dinner. Nastia is more concerned and yes tomorrow she’ll say she hates her sister too. But tonight she is concerned that her sister is not answering everyone’s call for dinner. Nastia goes upstairs and discovers Elena is asleep. We’ve all heard of ‘letting sleeping dogs lie’, well in our house you should ‘let sleeping Elena’s sleep’. She comes down and is as nasty and surly as she can be. She doesn't have a nice word for anyone. She is so bad that I try to avoid talking to her. At one point I ask her to go back to bed. She says,”Sure, no problem, thanks” and is not seen for the rest of the night. Nastia observes, “Well she must be getting her period.” True or not, it is for the best that she is gone back to bed. The funny thing is when she wants to be she can be as charming and funny as anyone, but that’s when she wants to. Tonight she didn’t want to, not at all. The next morning she will awake and it will be like her evil twin was visiting us the previous night. She’ll act like nothing happened and she’ll expect everyone else to act the same way. While Elena is catching up on her sleep, I ask Teri if she’d like to go see a movie called, ‘Somewhere in Queens’ with Ray Romano. It is a movie made on a small budget and it is only playing until Wednesday. I have the bowling dinner on Wednesday, so that leaves Tuesday. Now Elena is going to cook dinnerTuesday. Teri and I debate whether to tell her in advance or to tell her last minute like she does so often. Good parenting makes us tell her Tuesday morning. No one was going to talk to her Monday night. She puts dinner together in the crockpot for pulled pork. Teri turns it on for her about 10 AM and she’ll be home to shred it around 5:30- 6PM. As we are eating our food court dinner Teri thinks it might just be her for dinner. Suddenly we both feel guilty. Her sister and Sean do eat with her and she brings some over to Matt to have. She asks how much rice to make and later sends pictures of what she cooked. I sense some pride in her sending the pictures.The rice is a little lumpy, but it looks good. v
I love funny mistaken texts and Elena sent me one while cooking. I'm just sorry I missed the 'meat song'
After a good movie, we get home around 8:30. The three of them are in the living room playing Super Mario brothers having a good time. Except for the drain not cleaned and the clean crock pot left out, the kitchen is clean. Seems like everyone had a good night