Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It snowed and it snowed and it snowed, just not enough for me to have the entire day off

I woke up about four in the morning expecting to find several feet or at least several inches of snow on the ground only to be disappointed and find a slight dusting. I knew at that time I would be going to work. The girl’s school had been cancelled the previous night and Teri was on a two hour delay with the expectation her office would close, you know its Jersey and they always get hit the worst when it comes to snow storms. I woke up around seven in no hurry to get out of bed and go to work. I finally got out of bed around seven thirty and got dressed. I shoveled the steps and cleaned off the cars. And finally at about Nine I went out to get bagels for the Girls and Teri. I left for the last time at about nine thirty several minutes later the boss calls asking me how the roads are and if I want to take a day which I said yes and I went home. I changed into work clothes and spent the day with the girls as Teri tried to catch up on her work.
The girls helped me clean off the steps again and clean off the cars and they wanted to use the snow blower, which I said no to because I wanted to do it not that it was dangerous.
I promised to make a snow man with them and the one time I tried they, Nastia started a snowball fight. I went inside and we never got to build a snowman