Thursday, October 31, 2019

Another year of RCC talent shows

Last night was bowling and Nastia had to go to a show at RCC for school. Our bowling team is in next to last place because I am not yet bowling well. Nastia has been in the league for three maybe four years now. She averaged about 66 or so her first year. This year, I believe she is something like 117, almost double from her start. I couldn't be happier. Elena, if she stuck with it and didn't get so angry about doing poor she could be good. She is so like me sometimes it hurts.
        Teri bought Elena to therapy around 6:45. Teri said she could hear Elena yelling about something so maybe she is engaging more with her therapist. Afterwards they went to eat and pick up Halloween candy for this rainy Halloween.
       Nastia and I went to RCC for the talent show about seven, just after getting some McDonalds. It consisted of interpretive dance, poetry and music. Some of it was good and other parts were not. Afterwards Nastia asked me why she had to go to these things. I told her the truth that if students and their dates or parents were not there there would be not audience. Even with the required attendance there were plenty of good seats open. The show was a little too long for the seats. The show ran two and a half hours. Starting at 7:30 and going to just a little after 10. One of the highlights of the show was one of the stage crew who had to moving the piano. He exaggerated the moving of it and was just generally a light hearted surprise.
Nastia wanted to get candy after the show, but I was tired and asked her to just go home. On the way out of RCC, Nastia reminds me to take the short cut she showed me on the way in. I guess it was a short cut. On New Hempstead Rd you take a right onto Brick Church Rd. going up to the second light and making a left, then straight to RCC. It was a short cut because there was not traffic. Taking Brick Church Rd. bought me back to my time at RCC when I went and investigated the area between classes. I also did a lot of deliveries in the  area.