Sunday, February 21, 2010

Small threads woven into sweeping generalizations

Yesterday I promised the girls that I would take them out to the store to buy a toy and they would use their own money. I get tired of them asking for things and I am told by my mother all kids do it and I guess I did it as a kid too.
Yesterday we were over my mom’s house making cookie and watching pirated videos and we did not get home until it was too late.
We finished the day at the Olive garden, Tony had said how he would like to go there and Teri wanted to do something nice for him.
Which brings us to today and my look at the differences in my two girls, Nastia had saved the five dollars I gave her each Monday and had a total of sixty-three dollars in her bank.
Elena had to count out Quarters to get to the Forty dollar mark I had decided it would take to get a game for their game systems, only when we got there it turned out they were not looking for a game cartridge.
They both hunted around the store and didn’t make a decision quickly, which I was glad for. It turned out that I had to push Elena to make a decision on her toy. I remember going to the store with my mother when I was young and not being able to make a decision on what to get and leaving the store with nothing. So I could empathize with her.
The gifts each decided on and how they went about it tells me with my dime store psychology degree something about the two of them.
Nastia had saved where Elena had spent her money on sweets at school. Nastia is going to be a saver who might have to let Elena sleep on her couch. Remember these are long range observations and a lot will change.
Nastia’s toy was a baby and when she saw Elena’s toy gave the baby to her mother and went off to play with Elena and her Nerf rifle. Enough said? Maybe I’m being a little bit a wise ass about this too.
After paying for their purchases the both of them wanted to go to McDonalds and get something to eat. Elena had no money left having spent all of her forty dollars on a nerf gun. It turns out to be a great toy and is better than the doll, but when we went to buy food she had no money. Nastia said she would buy her some French fries and then Elena said she wanted chicken nuggets and Nastia said no. So I ended up giving them both five dollars that they did not get last week. Nastia got her French fries and a soda. Elena got a cheese burger and a soda and Ice cream and spent almost all the five dollars I gave her.
So the dime store psychologist in my says that Nastia will be a saver, get pregnant at an early age, will drop the child off at her mother’s house and will go out and play when her sister stops by.
Elena will be a rough and tumble type of person. She will be less of a saver and will enjoy her money and not have a dime in the bank for a rainy day. She will stop by her sister’s place and they will both drop the baby off at their mother’s house and go out for a good time.
Where will I be during all this? I will either in Florida fishing or hiding so I don’t get stuck baby-sitting. Come to think of it I will still be working because have you seen my 401K lately? Yea neither have I. It has gotten so small that I can’t find it.