Thursday, September 17, 2020

Covid Bowling

Social distance bowling

 It was a strange night, last night. Nastia, Elena and I all went to the bowling alley to start this years league. Last years season ended in March like just about everything else. Bowling Alleys are just about the last places to open. I think only bars without food service are left to open. That doesn't mean life is back to normal.

I meet Nastia and Elena at the bowling alley. We are asked to call to be let in the front door. One of the attendants then take our temperature with a laser temperature gun. If you are normal, you are let in.

Each lane has been assigned a table to sit at. When it is your turn to bowl, you can then go up to the lane and bowl. Iwear glasses that hold down my mask. I learned quickly that I need to go slower and keep my head up because the glasses aren't right up against my face. It's different. 

The league is down to about eight teams. My partner of the last five or so years, Gino has not been heard from. I wanted to bowl with the girls this year and the three of us are on the same team. All kind of names were thrown around by the girls. All of them unacceptable. A name of IKYA was proposed by Elena (I'll Kick Your Ass), not good. A similar one was also proposed IBYA, I'm sure you can figure it out and who proposed it.

The bowling Alley is set up like a set from a sci-fi movie where the future is no so good. Plastic partitions separate the lanes. Everything is seperated and social-distanced. 

We bowled on lanes five and six. In the first game Elena bowled a 160 and Nastia bowled a 159. After some adjustments I managed a 164. The second game was more what I expect from the two of them. Elena was somewhere around a 120, with Nastia about the same. I'm hot and cold, but I managed a 189 in the second. We won the first game, lose the second, but took total pins, so we are 3-2 right now.