Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Nyack Halloween Parade and trick or treating in Nyack three days later

The Nyack Halloween Parade was cancelled on Saturday and rescheduled for Sunday. My Feeling about the parade are like a Yogi-ism (If You don't know look it up), ( OK, Yogi Berra was famous for saying things that made sense sorta, Like the one I'm going to use today, No One goes there any more it's too crowded) And that is how I feel about the Nyack Halloween parade. It's too crowded and I don't like going there any more. 
     Nancy got us a good viewing place at the corner of Broadway and Main where a scene from the new season of Ray Donovan was filmed, it was raining in the scene. Any way We got there and the parade was a little spread out, you know gaps in the action. It was better then last year and I'll most likely go again next year. The Girls really didn't dress up for the parade. I think they were trying to be vampires again. I still have the lion costumes and I think they would fit them still. It was over by seven or so and we went to eat dinner at Fridays in the Mall, it was poor.
     The real Fun was Wednesday, Halloween. Elena joined the bowling league and it was her first week, plus she had invited half a dozen of her friends to go Trick or treating and I don't think she got an 'A' for planning. Some of the kids walked, some drove and most insisted on driving to Nyack. Teri got home late and was tired, so she vacillated between telling them to go trick or treating in Conger then saying lets go to Nyack. Nyack won out, it was not even close. Nyack reminds you of what Halloween used to be when you were a kid. Broadway on Halloween in Nyack is the painting Norman Rockwell never got the time to do. It is all that and more. Which makes the next part of the story hard to believe. 
     We were late going there and Teri and I thought we would eat dinner in Nyack. We showed the kids the street signs where we parked and how to get there from Broadway, it was simple. 
      Teri, Nancy and I go to get something to eat and leave them to enjoy the evening alone. There were three guys and four girls, a large group all between sixteen and almost twenty. I felt they would be fine and I walked away in full confidence. 
     We ended up at Harry's Tacos. The food was good and for the place being empty, getting food on the table was extremely slow. We figured We'd be done by 8:45 no problem. The Food didn't reach the table until almost 8:50. I'm almost done eating when I get a call from Nastia. I figure it was her asking when we would be to the car, it was not. She starts in explaining an incident, but in bits and pieces and it took me a few minutes to understand. When I did I got up, explained to Teri the best I could in short sentences what was going on and I was out the door. I have a foot issue and I'm hobbling down the street not exactly sure what I'm going to see when I get there. Nastia's message was something like "Some Kids were bothering us and Jake tried  to hit one and they were spitting at us and calling us the 'N' word (go  figure). So I'm hustlin up the street, my key between my fingers figuring that if there is a fight I'm going to jump in.  I'll wait while you finish laughing...... I find it funny too and I know the last fight I was in. I think I was eight or ten when Karl and I had a fight in the dining room and We fell and put a big hole in the wall. So it was about fifty years ago. But I was going in. I'll wait Again.....I turn the corner of fifth off Broadway and see a cop car and a few people around him. I come up puffing like the fat old man I have become and introduce myself to the police officer. Nastia chuckles and asks if I'm alright. And did you run? And it's like hell yeah I did, sorta. '
     The Police Officer happened to be up the street and saw some kids running and decided to investigate. That was which Elena was most likely calling the Police.  The Officer as we found out later had another call regarding this group and he thought the car with the plates from North Rockland was theirs. He was going to hang around for a while to find out if it was them. 
     After a long bit of conversation the story goes something like this. One of the boys calls one of the girls a bitch playfully. The Dirtbags, looking for trouble think it was meant for them and come over, giving it their best dirt bag tough guy bully best. They got in the face of one or two of the guys and of course Elena steps in front and tells them to back off, no one is looking for trouble. One of the kids takes a swing at an other kids and somehow it doesn't turn into a huge fight. I still don't think I got it all down straight. All I do know is this was the first time We'd let them go alone in Nyack trick or treating and I was more concerned about them getting hit by a car then this. Teri was feeling real guilt about it all, but shouldn't have. Everyone survived. Some parents came to pick up their kids, others just went home. Elena's friend Jake took the fight real hard, getting down on himself for not being more of a man, whatever that is in this day and age. The bottom line is no one was hurt and it makes for an interesting story hopefully.
