Thursday, November 24, 2011

From the more then I really wanted to know file

This is a quick one and it is one I will be hearing about when Elena is in her twenties and she is reading this for the first time and she will come to me and say " did you really have to write that down? and I would never say that."
  The other day ( Elena, it came from your mother, so we all know it is true, because she never forgets nothin!)Elena goes to her mother, Mom, I want to wear a shirt that show my boobs are getting bigger.
  Sorry that's the funny story. I'm sure all women can relate to that story, it's just coming too quickly. Next it will be the other stuff and she is already a cranky little b...h and her and her sister fight sometimes over the stupidest things and their mother is having hot flashes and the dog is a female and she is chewing up every piece of furniture in the house in sympathy. Someone quick, come and save me, please!!