Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fingerprints, 9-11 and the government

We are getting closer to the twenty-ninth and we are still trying to get the paper work together. We are experiencing the fingerprint and background check portion of our Magical Mystery Tour. It was a whole hell of a lot of fun getting our fingerprints last time and this one has got me doubled over I'm enjoying it so much.
   Last time we went to the Police dept and got our finger prints. It was on their paper and if I remember we had to do it over on a different paper. Now we have a new system and it is electronic finger printing. Sounds more expensive as well as more fun. The fun I am having is in the paper work, where else? I go to the website and it explains that we fill out the paperwork on line then make an appointment on line or by telephone then you go to your local Chico's Bail bonds (Bad News Bears reference) and get your finger prints taken. If your have filled out the wrong paperwork, you will not get your money back. No problem, except you can only fill out paperwork for an Alarm installer. Yea, maybe a good career when I retire, oops, I forgot I'm getting two more kids I'm not retiring, I'm getting planted when I die on the job. Anyway, I'm fighting with the paperwork and my wife is at her job long hours (Is she hiding from the paperwork? She did it last time, the paperwork, not hide.) and has no time to do it. So I fight the lonely battle and the clock continues to tick...
   It was fathers day today also and the girls and my wife took me out to Dave and Busters after we got the office cleaned for the bed to go in it for the twenty-ninth. Had fun, everyone was on everyone elses nerves all day long, we needed to get out.