Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The New Year so far.

New Years eve, at this point in life if you've seen one, you've seen 58 come and go. It is not the big deal it once was. It's not like you met your future wife that night and you both share a private moment.
     I remember one story about New Years eve that my Mom once told me, about my Dad going out on the steps off the kitchen, at the time they were the back steps, and banged two pots together and yelled happy New Year.
     Every New Years eve my Uncle Ken, next door at 17 Klein would have a party down stairs in his basement. I always thought that it was a New Years eve party, but he was also born on New Years eve and it was a birthday party. I was always insulted, we were never invited over. As an Adult I completely understand. Who'd want kids at a party.
     The Girls have not gotten to the point where New Years eve is boring. Nastia did get a little bored, because there was not anyone for her to talk to. She did ask me why was it OK for me to tell Amanda and Nick it was OK to come over. There was an 'and' there, but I wasn't going to say it and she didn't say it and it was' Why David wasn't there. My answer would of been 'Well go ask him if he wants to come.' Personally, I didn't want to spend an evening with him. Too uncomfortable for me.
     Elena, met a boy at the gathering, he is two years younger then her and they seemed to hit it off. When We left, Teri and Nancy pushed her to go get his number. I wonder if they will talk. He is a son of one of Eric and Lynn's friends.
     The new reality of my life now that my daughter, Nastia is getting good at driving is everywhere I go with her I get chauffeured. It is a big change for someone who is used to driving most of the time. I guess it has come about in a subtle way. It started a few years ago when my wife decided that she would rather drive her car when we went on trips, short or long. I didn't care mainly because I drove everywhere and I was dealing with problems of staying awake behind the wheel. I never told, and no one ever asked where two dings on the passenger side of the car came from. It's a short, quick story that I have told no one so keep it to yourself.
     I was driving down Rt 9W after Cream-O-Land took over Consolidated, I don't remember where I was, but I remember having trouble staying awake. It is a problem that I'd been battling on and off for years while doing over 100 mile a day driving doing sales calls. Some days I'd pull off to the side of the road to take a nap. This day I didn't feel I could. so on I went.
     The next think I remember, is either one of two or three things. I was off the road, I'd fallen asleep, I was going to hit the guard rail. I swerve back on the road and I remember a car coming in the opposite direction and the guy in the car looking at me with the expression like 'What the hell is that jerk doing'. I just dinged the guard railing and I was wide awake after that.
     That was the second accident I had falling asleep for. After I lost my job with Cream-O-Land I didn't have to drive a lot, that was the only up side.