Saturday, October 15, 2022

Electrical work and Tattoo you.*

*Yes, for all you sharp eyed friends'Tattoo You is the title of the 16th in England and the 18th in America album. My first thought is England is owned a couple of albums. My second, I remember when the album came out. MTV is still new and plays music videos. Mick and Keith do a video for waiting on a friend. I enjoyed the song, when I heard it, In the video, Mick is waiting for Keith. When Keith shows up at the end of the video, they kiss. My first impression is here are two old rockers (little did I know how much older they would get) trying to stir up a little controversy and be cool and relivent. The buzz it caused is like a small stone thrown in large placid pool of water. The ripple is barely noticed. Now my daughter's newest tatoo,(nice segue, not Segway, that two wheel contraption they discontinued in 2020. Sounds the same, but are different.) I tried to be that large pool of water and her tattoo is the small stone that drops into it. Over the last few months Elena has talked about getting a sleeve. For all you people not in the know that is a tattoo that runs from wrist to shoulder, I think. Over the month of September she'd say she was getting it in October. I took solace in the fact that it was still September and October was the future and maybe she'd forget about it or the world would come to an end, you know, something good would happen. (yes, that's a joke, I'm not that dark.) Well, since I'm writting this she neither forgot nor the world came to an end.
Every so often I'd trip over the fact she is getting close to getting her tattoo. I went on th ebank account and her checking had $1500.00 in it. For a moment I almost texted her to ask her why she had so much money in her account, then I remembered it is October. My biggest fear when she went to get her sleeve was she would get something that ten, twenty years from now she would look at and say, "why did I ever get that." I even asked Teri to go along with her to make sure that she didn't do something like that. Elena's appointment is for a Tuesday afternoon, Teri can't go. A cautionary tail I thought of, around this time Sylvester Stallone seperates from his current wife. In a fit of passion years ago he got her face tatooed on his arm, back, chest wherever. They seperated, so he has her face covered up with a dog he had back when he filmed the original Rocky, because it was the only thing that would cover her face. Then they get back together. I can't help but laugh.
Mid-day on that Tuesday, I receive a group text with my daughter's arm decorated in blue marker, or whatever they use as their template. I look and go back to work. Later I will receive a grainy video of the completed tattoo. It is pretty, but I know it will not end there and that is where the next problem arises. What's next? Elena and I did spend a happy time together earlier in the week when I showed her how to change out a light switch. It is something everyone should know how to do and save some money. Life,(big sigh)....
I did get a little laugh. In the background of the video I think I hear Nastia saying that she wants to get the same thing except the roses in black. If you'd ever seen the video of her getting the rose on her back, well, you'd be laughing as much as I am right now. ??