Friday, February 11, 2022

Nastia trying to grow up

As we all remember back when we were teenagers or even worse twenty somethings, we thought we knew it all and the older generation was at the very least out of it. What 'it' was no one ever knew. Nastia under these circumstances trying to grow up and be responsable.Some days like the day she made dinner and cleaned up afterwards, it was a great relief not to have to come home and make dinner. I was able to sit down and relax. Then there are times like yesterday. I'm at work when I get a call for Nastia. She is walking into the house and she says something like this, "I want to ask you somethings..." she stops for a moment and continues, "oh, I didn't know mom was home, let me get past her." This conversation, at this point makes me feel special, she wants to talk to me. She goes upstairs into her room and continues, "I saw thia add on facebook for a baby sitter and I wat to call him." I think I haven't heard her correctly and ask her what she said, and she repeats it, "I saw this ad on facebook a guy needs a baby sitter for tonight and I want to do it." I ask her, "Do you know this guy?" Her response is, "no.", "Nastia" I go, ""you can't dp this, you don't know this guy, you don't know if you can trust him or even if he has kids or how old they are or even where this job is." I go on to debat this back and forth with her. She tells me I'm don't trust anybody and I tell her in todays world, I'm sorry, you can't there are too many bad people out there. I think I tell her to call Jeffrey Dommer and ask him about trust. I think her reply was he is dead or something like that and I say, "because he killed all of those girls that trusted him." She gets me so worked up that I am yelling at my phone to her while at work. I'm yelling, "You are five foot tall, one hundred pounds and I refuse to identify youre body in the morgue!" I realize later that the bosse's son is in his office. He doesn't saY anything to me, he never does, but it was not a good thing. Nastia and I continue talking. I talk in a more subdued voice and we keep going around in circles I know I've won, or at least it's over when she says can she ask her mother. I know Teri will not be as nice as I have been. Twenty minutes later I text Teri, asking "Having fun with Nastia?" She replys,"Why, I'm in a meeting, What's happened?" My reply, "She wants to babysit for someone who advertised off Facebook for a babysitter tonight"
She replys, and I could, no I did predict it, "No" " I told her to call Jeffrey Dommerto babysit for him." That was at 11:44 AM, Ten minutes later I get this from Teri, "I a as m fucking livid with this girl" My reply, compassionate, if unhelpful, "Me tooo!!!" Teri talks about it looking like it's in New Square, she is still really angry, "unfucking believable", " I told her to check with Brandon if he approves" I try to be a little more helpful with, "It's typical Nastia, Trust first, ask questions later." To my surprise Teri writes, "And of course Elena siding with her." "That's a surprise I thought she had common sense." I text back. The final entry from Teri, "She's thinking money." She quit her job at Stop and Shop a few weeks back and I told her she shouild have told them she was willing to work a day or two over the weekends. Nastia said, the weekends were for home work. I can still smell the bullshit from when she said that all those weeks ago. She is a lazy person and wanted the weekends off. Now she is paying for it. I'd like to find an uplifting way to end this post and the only thing I can think of is that at twenty-three when she is told she can't do something, I thank God that she did listen and didn't go off to babysit. Everytime an event like this happens I remember a scene for a TV show that went off the air several years ago called Life in Pieces. The scene happening has a group of kids pretending they have been kidnapped and they call their father. He hears what is happening and calls out to his wife, "Honey, you know that thing you said would probably never happen, I think it has." And thast is how I feel about all those bad things that happen to other people, they'll probably never happen to us. Two last thouights, one to other people we are those other people and why court disaster when it is not necessary. I'm sorry thast is as uplifting as I can get.


  1. Just wanted to say Hi. I still check every day for updates.

  2. Wow it worked. I haven’t been able to post comments for a long time. I kept getting an error message
