Thursday, December 2, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

Thanksgiving this year was a small affair, only five people. I was hoping for a larger group. We were thinking about asking Matt and his mom over, but Elena was very against it. She said Matt's mother was algeric to everything. So it was just going to be the five of us.Nastia likes sleeping over her friend's JJ's house on Wednesdays and she was going to do the day before Thanksgiving. It seemed wrong that she would not be here Thursday morning so when Teri objected I joined in too and she slept home after protesting that she would be home early on Thanksgiving.
Like always Teri cooks most everything on Thanksgiving. This year she said I could do the asparagus. I warmed the water, put two chicken bullion cubes in and cut off the hard ends of the stalkes. I didn't let the water boil and every so often I'd stab one of the thicker stalkes and if it stuck to the fork it wasn't done yet. I got
the asparagus just to the right point and I took one out to try, it was perfect. I then realized that dinner is no where near ready. There were several dishes still needing to be warmed. I put the asparagus in a dish and covered them with foil. Other items were stuck in the microwave and the turkey was removed
from the pan. Teri says she needs to make gravy. Nastia says she'll make the gravy. Asked by Teri if she know how she says I'll help her. I haven't make gravy in years. So I show her and Elena how to seperate the fat from the juices. I melt some butter in a pan and mix in some flour to make a rue. I brown it a little and when it fomes up I remove it from the heat.I put the turkey juice in a pot and begin to mix in the rue. I look up to show the girls and I notice I am alone. They lost interest. Later I am told I should have let them do it. So several times during the night I'd sayy to the girls, "And that's how you make gravy" I thought it was funny, they didn't. Conversation at the table is spirited. Nastia starts talking about being a stripper and making it sound like she is confusing it with prostitution. Elena and her razor wit starts in making fun of her assets holding up an
imaginary magnifing glass to look at her boobs. When Elena uses it to look at her butt, Nastia gets insulted and says she got one! Dinner ends too quickly. Elena has nto go to Matts to have Thanksgiving with him and his mom. She will also be there on Sunday, the first day of Hanukkah. Dessert is served to just Nancy, Teri and I. Everyone else is either /

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