Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Nastia's Birthday

Nastia's twenty-third birthday was on a Friday. She wanted to go to Mt. Fugi in Orange County, but Teri and I didn't want to make the trip, so she decided to go to Cho Cho San in Nanuet at the old Triangle Steak Pub location. I called the morning of the 6th and was told 6pm to 8 pm was sold out for hibachi grill. Disappointed I told Nastia and she replied that it was fine to go to Little Buddha in the Palisades Mall. I called and they had tables available. Our party was going to be a group of six. Teri, myself, the girls, Nancy and mt mother who'd never been to a hibachi grill before. Neither had I until a few years ago for Elena's birthday. And
Elena first experenced it going to a birthday party with a boy she was sort of seeing way back then. The reservation was for seven and I left work in plenty of time. Teri worked from home home and we ere going to pick my mother up on the way there.
I'd never been to Little Buddha. I'm usually not the 'let's try out this new restaurant' guy in the group, that's Teri. Nastia had been there a few times she'd said. We arrived a few minutes late and were seated at a hibachi grill. It was nice to be seated with just our group. Later in the evening a couple came in and were seated by themselves. I guess Little Buddha isn't as popular as the other places. Everyone had hibachi, some had chucken, Nastia had shrimp while Elena and I had prime rib. It came with noodles, rice and a vegatable, it was good. I had some beer and the chef squirted some saki into my mouth. After about an hour and change it was all ove. Noone wanted to go to Dairy Queen. We all went home and Teri and I fell asleep infront of the TV. /

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