Monday, August 9, 2021

It's Wednesday, but not the same Wednesday as before and Nastia goes to the beach.

By the title you must have guessed it is Wednesday. In the past both girls would be up at 7 in the morning and out the door to their boyfriend's house. Some things have changed. Elena got up early this morning and was out the door by 7:30. I asked her where she was going. She replied, "I'm going hiking with Matt." I asked where? She didn't know. I asked her to take a picture of the trail head sign so I could tell the police where to find her. I also mentioned it was going to rain. She said she knew and it was alright. Well I hope it will be. They hiked around Rockland Lake and looked for old bottles. They found a McDermott Brothers milk bottle. McDermotts got out of milk and into ice cream in the 50’s or 60’s, plus it had a lip on it for a paper cap. It was from the 40’s-60’s I thought. Nastia is still in bed. She doesn't go over to Brandon's in the mornings any more, I wonder why. Maybe he isn't getting the sleep he needs? I don't know and I guess it doesn't matter. Nastia's sort of new thing she does now or at least this year is she sleeps over her friend JJ's house. And I'm going to guess she smokes pot there when she does.
Teri is still dying at her job and even though Giacomo is back things don't seem to be too much different. That was last week. This Wednesday, Nastia is up and out, going to the beach with Brandon and some of his friends. Elena went on Monday and now Nastia is going today. She got up about 6:30 and went over to Brandons by 7. I texted her a few minutes ago (about 8:30) Her reply was, "We just finished eating. We are stopping for ice then going. They won't get to the beach before 11:30. They'll hit traffic in the Oranges and Nastia wants to be back to go bowling tonight, which means she'll have to leave the beach about 3:30, 4:00. Any later and they'll hit traffic in the Oranges again. I asked her to send pictures. They get safely down to Point Pleasant. Nastia sends a picture with her and Branden where she is making a dumb hand sign. I thought high school ended. Then she sends a picture of her and him kissing. That's a first. She said they were going to try and get back for bowling that night.I text them saying they should leave early. THey leave at a time I think will get them caught in th etraffic in the Oranges. She does make it back and at bowling that night she bowls a 172. her highest game ever. I wish I'd been there.
That night she sleeps over JJ's. We don't get to see her again until Thursday night sometime. It's great to be twenty-something and believe your life will work out OK.

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