Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Laudeckero BBQ

Ever since it looked like COVID was on it's way out (and as of right now it is not mostly because of idoits like Ron DeSantis of Florida banning masks) I wanted to have a BBQ. I talked to my mom and she said yes, it would be a great idea. I asked Eric and he said let's have it between the houses on Klein, Teri liked that idea. Then Denis got sick and Eric got involved with issues with Tina, his mother in law, then Tina dies. It quickly turned into a not so happy Spring. Then it turned Summer and everyone is busy.
At the July 4th fireworks in Nanuet sometime around the 11th, it was decided that the Laudeckero's would have a BBQ. Now the Decker family and a small branch of the Laudiero several weeks before had decided to form a new family.They wanted to be seperate from others and well you know. So they formed the Laudeckero's. Plans were made.
There was to be a BBQ on the 7th and the beach was the 14th. Unfortuniately the Dutches County fair is the 24th and the girls can't take off three weekend in a row so it will be missed again this year. The vinyle chairs had been stacked for about two year up against the fence. Roots had started to grow around their sunked feet. Leaves the fall and polynoses from the spring had become homes for the many insects living between the chairs. I didn't look forward to the job of cleaning them. I'd used a once white vinyle table to put some things on earlier in the year. It looked very grim for the BBQ. The weekend before the BBQ I stuck to mowing the lawn between rain storms and going to the now open movies.
Mid-week a savior appeared. Elena decided to start to clean up the back yard. She bought a vinyle cleaner, but quickly tired of the tedious task and asked if she could buy a power washer. Teri said Grammy had one. The power washer quickened th ejob, but life interfered with her work and on the Thursday before the saturday BBQ I made my long put off appearance to work. I cleaned some chairs and the next night cleaned some more.
Come Saturday morning Elena, who'd the day off comes out to help some more. When I tell her all of the chairs have been cleaned she points at several asking if they have been cleaned. A little insulted I say yes. For all the unknowing vinyl chairs get dirty and stained by just being.When you clean them there remains a shadow from where the dirt was. Even using a power washer the shadow remains and sometimes the stain looks like it is more then just a shadow, so yes she had a point, but th echairs were going to get no cleaner. I do set her up with the power washer at the far end of the yard to clean a few of the chairs and the tent top in storage for over two years. Earlier I did dog patrol, if you know what I mean. I did a good job and it was nice for once to walk safely around in bare feet in the yard. (you know what I mean now, right?)
Nastia, Elena and I set up the frame of the tent until Elena has cleaned the top.The yard is starting to come together. I go in to take a break. It is getting toward 2 when everyone is supposed to show up. I spy the vodka and lemonade Teri has made up for the BBQ. I grab another bottle of raspberry vodka, splash some, well more then some in a glass of ice and pour some lemonade into it. This drink is always dangerous, it sneaks up on you. I sip it and everywhere I go someone asks me why I'm drinking. Teri, "you know it's early?" Nastia, "Isn't it a little early to start, can I have some?" Matt has been over since early. He came over and has been a great help. He asks if he can have some. I ask him how old is he. He is still twenty. I tell him he can have some, but not alot. He must promise me that just like the girls if he has too much to drink he will tell me and I will drive him home (well someone else will) He agrees. I don't see him drink anything. Neither do I see Elena drink anything and Nastia only a little. I don't start a second until well later. People show up a little late. They had called Teri so it was ok. I start the hot dogs and some burgers. The chicken from the crock pot is falling apart and tough to brown on the grill. The total number of people who show up on this day runs up about a dozen. We all end up sitting around the picnic table mostly leaving all those power washed chairs alone.
Elena and Matt are thinking about going in the pool. I some how get involved and Nastia comes up on the deck. And while Elena is tring to push me in the pool I think it is funny, so I push Nasita in. She is not pleased. She says it's cold. She stays in for a little while. With Matts help Elena goes in and she then starts to splash Matt and myself. Eventually I go in. I try to just relax leaning on a raft. Elena swims under the water toward me to
grab my feet. I end up grabbing her feet and she thrashes like a fish on a fishing line. She escapes and she jumps up and the deck. Her bathing suit comes down in the back a little and moons everyone in the pool. Her bathing suit is the type of suit that girls buy and wear to show off on the beach andnot get wet. I'm sure she bought it for Matt and a couple of times he got to see more then the suit was intended to show. The moon was out. Things settle down when everyone gets out of the pool. We hang out and talk until it starts to get dark and then go inside for dessert. It was a beautiful day and lots of fun. Well worth the work to clean up the yard. I hope everyone else enjoyed it too. /

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