Thursday, October 4, 2018


Life, I guess that says it all. Or maybe it doesn't. I guess maybe this is life now is better. OK, this is life now...
     I get up at six in the morning, why you ask, well Elena is a senior in High School still and she has these awful hours. I get up at, well really I get up at six-fifteen when Teri's alarm goes off for the second time. I go get Elena up, she will lie in bed for, I don't know, maybe ten, fifteen minute more before she gets up. While that is happening I will go down stairs and get her breakfast ready. I would get Teri's coffee going except it is a Keurig Coffee maker and I don't drink Coffee, so I never learned how to, I'm such a bad wife to her. I wait for Teri and Athena to come down stairs so I can distract Mesha. Why you ask, well the marks on my arms from breaking up dog fights should be a hint. I throw the ball as deep into the yard as I can to give Athena a chance to take a quick pee. She runs inside and I throw the ball several times more so She has a chance to get a cookie and get to the couch, her safety spot before Mesha gets inside.
     Then Elena comes down. She usually is wearing a T Shirt, but this morning it is a little chilly, before it gets up into the high 70's so she has a sweat shirt on top of it now. Yesterday was picture day and she came down stairs looking so nice and it reminded me how beautiful she is. I never have to say that about Nastia, she know how beautiful she is. Elena eats toaster waffles and about seven AM she leaves to get Arianna and go to school.
     Nastia, depending on the day of the week gets up any where from six thirty to seven thirty. Today it is six forty-five. She also eats toaster waffles, the current crave for the two of them. They will eat the same thing for several weeks, then stop and won't have them again for several months, some times. It gets tough when you have stocked up on English Muffins and they are out of favor. Well they go into the freezer like everything else.
     Teri usually comes down with Athena around six thirty. She makes her coffee, then puts together her lunch. After Teri showers and Nastia has brushed her teeth they both leave. Then the House is quiet and I have time to look for a job I don't really want to change to. My current Job, as Iv'e said many times makes me feel good, but it doesn't pay anything, it just feels so good when a new customer says to you 'Thank You and God bless you for the food.' After dealing with customers in the milk business who feel you owe them it is refreshing to hear someone be thankful for what they are getting and the food is good.
      This Morning, I'm sitting at the dining room table thinking I'm alone while I write when upstairs there is movement and I remember Amanda came home last night. She works at Good Sam Hospital in Suffern. She has plans on getting her driving license still and getting more education, to possibly become an x-ray tech. I hope it happens. Can someone in the future let me know if it happens. She deserves it. She works hard, but it's like she works at cross purposes. She has a job, but doesn't drive. She takes lessons, but doesn't take the test. I know I don't know everything that is going on in her life, it just seems she is setting herself up to lead a hard life where she'll struggle the whole time.
     She is gone and the house is quiet again. What is happening for me? Well if you don't tell anybody.....


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