Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Elena starts today, Nastia continues

I always thought I would look forward to the end of school for the girls. Today is the last first day of school (Teri thought I needed to be more specific about this) elementary, middle and high school for the girls. No more, after this year getting up at six AM, waking one or both up so they can leave the house before seven AM. to get to school some time later.
     Today I got Elena up at 6:05. She was grabbing a ride with Ariana to school so they could tailgate on their first day. Elena says there was music in the parking lot and people were actually grilling food there. They didn't know anybody that was grilling so they went inside.
     Elena bought home all the usual stuff from the first day at school. All the class contracts, policies on behavior and new rules. One new Rule, I think I like is all cell phones are collected at the start of class and given back at the end, no exceptions.
     Another rule that is a sign of the times, according to Elena, is no more back packs are allowed in the middle school.
      Nastia survived another day at college. She went to History and English and survived a black out. She again took a bus home, transferring buses at the Palisades Center. All is good after two and one day of class in 2018.

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