Tuesday, September 4, 2018

First Day of School Again, already

Nastia and Teri just left for RCC and Teri's new job over in Mahwah, NJ. I'm writing this blog, instead of looking for a new job and Elena asleep upstairs. She has one more day before she starts her senior year at North. Time has flown very quickly.
About half an hour ago Nastia was sitting at the table when I told her not to move. I ran and got my phone to take a picture of her, another in the first day of school series. She asked me why was I taking a picture? After I told her why it got me to thinking about some of the past pictures of them I've taken on their first day of school. The One when they are in the kitchen under the paper figures they drew one day in elementary school, or the one with them outside waiting for the bus to middle school. Or the one where their mother had to go to work before they got up and left them a note. Today's and tomorrow's pictures will join them
     The One picture I am dreading is the one I take a few years down the road where no one will be in it because they are no longer in school and the first week of September will only mean it's time to close the pool.

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