Friday, August 31, 2018

Crab Monster from 8/22/18

Elena can get real bitchie, bitchy?, well she can. She has built this high stone wall around her to keep out, or at least limit the contact of other people. Relations are always on her terms. And sometimes it can be harsh.
      The Other night Nastia comes down stairs and says Elena has thrown away her birth control pills. Teri makes a comment about Nastia being a tattle tail, which in this world of confusion we have now where if you see something, say something is the motto, there are no tattle tails.
      Teri goes to talk to her and every so often the girls forget they are not black.  Elena gets defensive about Nastia telling Teri about her throwing away the pills and says, "I don't like it when she gets all up in my business." There's no body whiter then Russians, oh boy. Well Teri try's to reason with her and Elena is ignoring her. Teri says, "Go on the computer and if it says to throw them out then OK."
     A few minutes later Teri comes down and is fuming. She says Elena is being a bitch and I need to cancel her driving test appointment and if she wants to take the test let her schedule it and get her own car up there to take it. Elena doesn't have a car. After a few more moments of fuming I am tasked with handing out the discipline. I tell Teri I will do it tomorrow. The next morning I debate wither to ruin Elena's day in the morning or should I do it in the afternoon, I choose the afternoon. After a weird day at work I get home. Nastia is ready to go out on a date with David and wants me to bring her to Sephora's at the mall because they do free makeup. I shot her down and tell her she will walk out of that place with $40.+ dollars of makeup. Next I go to Elena who is ready to drive to work. I tell her no I will drive, I need to talk to her.
     On the drive to Shop Rite I ask Elena what she was angry about late night? She says she was not angry. This makes me smile, she is using my tactics, that I invented and she is now trying to fight on my home turf.
     "Well", I say, "If You were not angry then why did your mother come down stairs fuming about the attitude you were giving her?" after a little back and forth she admits she was angry at her sister for all getting up in her business. The Whitest of White people on earth,  Russians and my daughter is trying to sound like she is from the hood. Makes you laugh.
     There was more to this story I started a few weeks ago, but time and Driving tests and the Dutchess County Fair put a hold on this story and I forgot the end. I think I take her driving privileges away for a short while, like that day.

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