Friday, August 31, 2018

Nastia comes up a little short

We tried for magic to strike twice in less then a week,when Nastia went for her driving test. I felt she was ready, but still had some issues.
     The Test was scheduled for 8 AM in Stony Point. Having been there just the previous Friday I was relaxed about that. Nastia was nervous about the test and was doing her usual, "I'm not going to pass this, I'm going to fail."
     We got to the test site early and pulled up behind a father and his daughter. His Daughter was taking her test for the fifth time. For Me, that said something was really wrong with this picture. If You are failing it that many times you are not practicing enough or you are panicking during the test.
     The Inspector shows up a little after eight and sits in his car. We wait patiently. The Inspector gets out and I am disappointed to see it is a different person. Elena's was a black women, this one is a Spanish guy. Both will be a little distant, but that is what you have to do if you are going to possibly fail someone. I also think that Nastia can be a charming person to guys, but she is also intimidated by people in power and people who are standoffish.
     The Inspector gets in the car with the first girl. She jerks forward a little when she starts and pulls away from the curb a little to fast. I'm thinking a bad start for a four time loser. Sure enough when She comes back the Inspector talks to the father and it is obvious she has failed again.
     Before the Inspector gets to Nastia, I remind her to check her blind spot before she pulls out. They both get into the car, he takes paperwork from her, she adjusts her mirrors, the seat, puts it in drive and  off she goes. I am optimistic. About ten minutes later she comes back and parks. The Inspector gets out and I ask the question. The Answer is no she did not pass.
     Later Nastia is talking with the driving school and they tell her he is the new guy and he is very strict. I tell Nastia, this is a test for minimum driving skills, even if you passed you would have a lot more to learn.
     The Driving school is taking over and has scheduled a test for October fifth. The Driving School and I will get her ready to pass it between now and then and she will this time.

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