Monday, June 26, 2017

Myrtle Beach day 2

On Day two of the Myrtle Beach adventure, the Lobster family, or at least Teri and I get up about 7am. We are up at that hour because the sun is streaming in our window. Usually I'd be very happy for a day like that, but I am beat up from yesterday and I'm not the worst case. Nastia's face is still pretty red and Elena's shoulders don't look so good. The good thing is no one is in a hurry to get back out on the beach.
     Teri decides to make deviled eggs. I make myself a cheese omelet. I eat early and just hang out in our bedroom reading and talking to Nastia's when she gets up or falling back to sleep. Everyone talks about returning to the beach, but no one makes a serious attempt to get anyone moving until Teri decides that one in the afternoon is late enough and We should be heading to the beach.
     This trip, we have a cooler, food and drinks. The Wind has let up and the sky is overcast, but no sign of rain. I surrender to the inevitable and go to the beach.
     It is again not crowded. The surf is still up, but not as bad as yesterday. We set up base camp, but with a cooler and yesterday's experience it is a better place. Before We hit the beach, a quick stop at the local Food Lion fills our cooler with ice and goodies. Chips, dips, cookies and other goodies await us on the beach.
     The Wind is down to nothing. Our Beach umbrella is content to stay rooted in the sand. Teri and I begin the day by going hunting for sea shells. We walk along the beach enjoying each others company and not bothering about anything else, it's good.
     Later in the day I'm near the water and Elena kicks water at me and if you know how things escalate between us it is a short time later we are chasing each other with handfuls of wet sand or trying to push each other in the water. Nastia gets involved somehow too and before it gets out of hand, the adult in me kicks in and I tell Elena we have to stop, there are small kids around.
     The Day end as a storm front comes in from the south. A few rumbles of thunder and a crack of lightning and they close the beach. We head home for seven showers.
     We go out to dinner at a seafood buffet called 'Crabby Jack's'. it's expensive, $34.95 per person, but it is good.  Nastia grabs two plates of crab legs, Elena, who doesn't like seafood eats some crab legs among other things. This place has just about every type of food. Fried, broiled,baked, anyway you want seafood. I had prime rib and beef tips. I went down to get fried seafood,with the intention of trying the broiled when I hit the wall. I was full. So I switched to desserts and had a small piece of pecan pie, then cheesecake. I was full, but not stuffed. It was a fun evening, with good food, but a little expensive. Tomorrow is Day three of four.

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