Sunday, June 25, 2017

Myrtle Beach on the way

The Day started early, 4am. Our flight departed LaGuardia Airport at 8am and I'd heard getting to the airport, with all the construction could be tough. Up at three, or there about, dress, something or drink, an option on food, no thank you from everyone asked.
   Our Ride, to my surprise arrived at the correct time and off We go.
     It's raining and on the way out the door I eye my sweater. It June, why would I need it, plus we are going south. I shut and lock the door leaving a sleeping Billy three confused dogs.
    The Trip to the Airport is uneventful, if you consider the person giving the directions falling asleep nothing. I try to help out, and am not very helpful. It takes about an hour to get there with no problems. I guess not many people are interested in getting to the Airport at 5:30 for an 8 o'clock departure.
    The Airport is empty and cold. Everyone on duty is standing around looking for something to do or trying to avoid doing something.  We get to our gate before 6am and now I am content we will not miss our flight. And yes, I am still cold. Bastia, Elena, Teri, and Nancy all whip out sweaters and all I can do is dream of the warm sweater I chose to leave home.
     A little after 8 they call boarding and we are in the third group to board and yes the plane is cold.
     The Plane is a little odd for me. There are only two seats on either side of the isle. It reminds me of a 1950s movie.
     We take off in an almost driving rain. I have to remind myself that just fish do care it raining, neither do planes.
     There is a very short wait. The Captain guns his engine s and we're up and away.
     A short two hour or less flight later we are on the ground in Myrtle Beach.
     Everyone collects their belongings and Nick's cousins pick us up. The first thought I have after exiting the Airport is, it freakn  hot and humid here. I appreciate the heat, but the humidity might get to me.
     An other short trip later we're at the house. It's a one story house that is well kept that might of been built in the 60's. It is also has  a home owners association.
     The Day is sunny, the sky cloudless. A perfect day to head to the beach. With a storm front heading in, it might be our only day.
     A short drive to the Park and a little wait to pass the Park entrance where people without passes pay and we're on the beach.
     The Wind is whipping pretty good as We set up camp. We're unprepared for our stay on the beach. We do have the basic necessities, chairs, sun tan lotion, and for me a beach umbrella. Don't leave home without it. We did forgot drinks and food.
     I try the sand spike Teri bought, but the Wind isn't cooperating. One side of the umbrella flexes down,while the other side wants to launch you like Mary Poppins into the air. I use whatever I can to tie the umbrella to my chair and even then the umbrella makes several attempts to fly away.
     We stay out on the beach until about 4pm. By then everyone is in a state of well roasted. Amanda looks like she was dipped in Pepto Bismol. I've got a baseball size red spot on my knee where I must of missed that's all red. Nastia's face is all red like she's been crying. Everyone looks a little beat up. I'm hoping for rain tomorrow. We get home and go through eight showers. We head out to a place on the beach for dinner with Nick's relatives. We make a party of eleven.
     Everyone had some good food. Our group of seven paid me and I used my debit card.
     It had started a light sprinkle when we went into the restaurant. As We leave, it starts to pour. It rains most of the night. Everyone goes to bed thinking tomorrow we're going to the movies. Not so fast......

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