Thursday, January 19, 2017

Talking and not watching the road

I guess We all know where this one is going. Let Me start by saying there was no accident, just a few more gray hairs on my overly gray and bald head.
     Nastia has been doing a lot of night driving. Her work behind the wheel is better every time she drives and so I push her to drive in harder places and maybe push her a little too much to be a little more aggressive behind the wheel. An example of this would be when she came to the intersection of Kings highway and Congers Rd, she was on Kings and wanted to turn left on to Congers to go over the Causeway. The Light was green and I would speed up and go through, she on the other hand stays the same speed, the light changes and she stops. I told her she should have sped up, she said no. That was a good thing. She was uncomfortable going through the light and said so. The only problem was when the light changed there were cars in the other direction some turning, some going straight and a car letting her go left. It was too much for her to take in a once and I had to tell her to go, someone is letting you turn. She did and it was OK.
     We go through the 'S' turn and hill were she has problems keeping the car in her lane and keeping up road speed and then we pass the North High School.
     As We are coming up on Brewery Rd, a red small car, like a Honda or something wants to turn left on to Brewery Rd. I'm watching the car as Nastia is asking me a question about the Hot Dog House and how will she know when they call her. While She is asking the question, I notice she has not slowed down or moved to the right and if things don't change soon We are going to end up in that poor unfortunate persons back seat. When it is obvious She's does not see the car I yell 'STOP!'. Thank God, with out hesitation She slams on the brakes. I watch us get closer and closer and think, 'We're not going to make it we're going to hit this guy. Through some luck or something other, the car stops short of hitting the red car. We sit there in silence for a few moments and the red car moves up a few feet. I smile and think it was good We didn't need that few feet.
     Nastia is still freaked about the almost hit and has trouble going around the car while there are other cars behind her. Finally the red car turns and we get to the Bowling Alley without any further adventure.
     I didn't talk about the almost accident until we were at the bowling alley. I asked her the question that will always be on my mind for the rest of my life. I asked, "Did You not see the car because it was dark?"
     Her reply was, "I wasn't paying attention and I can see fine."
For those who are not up on the subject of her eyes. I've told her and her sister the only people who can tell her they can't handle driving under certain conditions because of their poor eye sight are the two of them. And to please error on the side of caution.

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