Sunday, January 22, 2017

Parenting 101: When it really does hurt me more then it does you.

In this time of not hitting your children the expression 'This is going to hurt me more then it does you' has been lost. I know hitting their children,being one of them at the time, made me feel bad, but I never thought about how they felt for doing it. Teri and I started out hitting a little and gave it up rather quickly, not to be stylish or anything, just because violence makes for violent people.
     This has nothing to do with what I'm going to talk about, it just happened to come into my head as I was thinking about what happened last night. And I guess, the expression, 'this is going to hurt me more then it does you' does apply.
     On Wednesday, Elena got in trouble in school. She was making comments about some of the students in her class and was not doing her work and just being a general pain and a bully. She was asked to leave class and Teri and I got an e-mail about it

Good morning!

I wanted to let you know that I asked Elena to leave class today.  She refuses to complete any work and her comments to other students are very inappropriate.  She comes to class very angry every day and takes it out on others.  She negatively comments on other students' answers and is making them feel uncomfortable.  These behaviors cannot be tolerated and she will be asked to leave the class and go to the assistant principal.  I have spoken with her many times and explained that she cannot behave in this manner. 

Thank you!
Kim Bennardo
Special Education
Clarkstown North High School

Click link to read our email disclaimer:

Well, there is the proof.
     Our response was sent by Teri

I am so sorry about her behavior. I will have a talk with her, but please by all means do what you have to do. If she has to go to the principal's office pull detention, whatever needs to be done please do so. Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

 That was the environment Teri and I faced when I got home. I talked to Elena quietly and told her she was being a bully and when her mother and I talked there would be a punishment.
     When Teri got home she talked quietly with her and afterwards Teri and I talked about the punishment. Taking away her electronics doesn't seem to work so Teri came up with her writing fifty times 'I will treat anything with a heart the way I want to be treated.' I went to tell her the punishment, but I tweaked it,I gave her a choice of writing about being bullied in Russia in the orphanage or to write I will treat anything with a heart the way I want to be treated. I wanted her to think about how she felt when a kid bullied her in Russia. Guess which one she chose? I didn't know because she grabbed some paper and went to her room. She was given until Friday night to finish it.
     Between Thursday and Friday night she was good.

On Jan 18, 2017, at 3:01 PM, Bennardo, Kim <> wrote:
Update - Elena was wonderful today!! She completed work and was very pleasant.  I am so proud of her!

Have a great night!

Kim Bennardo
Special Education
Clarkstown North High School
Things were going well right up to the point on Friday night that I remembered that Elena had not handed in her paper. So I go up to her room, it's about 9 pm, and ask her for her paper. I mean, what is a punishment worth if no one hands it in. Where would We be if after the Declaration of Independence thing went on the way they were. We'd all be speaking English instead of  American. We'd have a Queen Elizabeth instead of King Donald.
     Well of course she hadn't done it and I got smacked with a lot of waves of anger. It radiated off her like (here's another political joke) the hate a Trump supporter feels for Obama's Health Care program. ( Wait until They see what's coming.)
     Elena grabs a few sheets of paper and a pen and starts her writing. About an hour later I hear Elena talking to Teri.
     I'm upstairs in my bedroom, 10 pm passes, Nastia comes in and says 'good night', no Elena, about 11pm or so I realize I have been skipped. It seems I'm being punished for being true to my word.
     The next morning, she gets up, walks by me without saying anything and I think it is still going on. On her way back she does say 'good morning' like nothing happened. I guess nothing did happen. And the world will continue to turn, even if my feeling were hurt last night.

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