Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Can You ever be 100% happy

I'm writing this at my Mother's house. On the drive over I was thinking about the time I was the happiest. I have come to the conclusion that You are never aware you are in the midst of a happy time.
     I thought that the 1980's were a very happy time for me. But then I remembered Mikey Metz died in 85, I went through a bad break up with a girlfriend, so I thought maybe it was later in the 80's and I remembered that in December of 87, my Dad was diagnosed with cancer and the next year, fifteen months were the worst of my life. Until I thought of the three years following his death, which were worse. I guess the 80's weren't that good, but I still feel they were, I don't know why.
     So I moved on to other decades and lo and behold it turns out I am in one of the best periods of my life. My Wife may shake her head in disbelief, but I think the good times started to roll when Teri and I started the paperwork to get the girls.
     I look back to the times We had in the Nyack house, and there were bad times as well as good time. Best Time memory is the parties I threw when the  Halloween parade went down the street, and all the people who were there who are gone now.
     My time with my Wife, like everything has its ups and downs. The adoption of the girls has to be the highlight of everything I have ever done or will ever do in my life. they have changed Teri and I in many ways we will never know. And I know Teri and I have transformed their lives.
     So, yeah the 2010's have had some rough spots and some real downers in them, but I think they rank up there with the best of times.

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