Thursday, September 8, 2016

Nothing is happening, yeah, really

This I started in July and never finished.
Nothing is happening, yeah, really nothing  is going on.
     Well, some stuff has gone on since I last wrote. This feels like the joke about the dog dying.
     I forget how it starts out, but one of the early lines is the dog ate the meat and died. And in the joke are a series of bad things happening like the house burning down and it's a kids joke from the 60's. A joke eight year olds would of found funny.
     Anyway, the dog ate the meat and died, Nastia got fired from her job. It started on a Saturday, She was working a long day. Half way through the day I get a call from her could I pick her up. As She explained it to me, a boy, a co-worker had been hassling her about her age. He kept saying that there was no way she could be seventeen. So She finally had enough and told the guy to F off. I could understand and to me it was harassment by that guy. Well the story is a little more involved then that. First she cursed in front of customers. Second she had been warned about her truck driver mouth before and if this guy was hassling her she should of gone to management. No She handled it the way an orphan and a child would, in the worst way and got herself fired. Her Boss said to Teri when She went in to find out why Nastia was getting fired. Teri went in quiet and dignified. She looked at it as a manager would, not as an hysterical parent might, the my child never does anything wrong and everybody wins. It turned out that She had been warned about her mouth and Her boss didn't really want to fire her. After Teri got the full story Nastia was in a little bit of trouble for bending the truth to make her look like a victim.
     With the end of school, Elena is allowed to date again, (yeah, I'm doing cart wheels over it) and she got back together with Mathew. He is a good if a little wimpy kid.
     Around the middle of June, we had a BBQ. Elena invited Mathew, Nastia invited David. Whenever Nastia and David would disappear, I'd go find them. I would make a show of asking them where they are going. To give equal time, I did the same to Elena and Mathew. Elena is smarter in a street sense then Nastia. She know how to hide things better then her sister. To find out about things she is doing digging will need to be done. She has the privilege of going over Mathews house, where Nastia has lost that with David.
     The BBQ went very nicely,Eric and Lynn did a spectacular job of setting up and taking down the stuff. I might of inadvertently imposed the BBQ on them and if I did, I want to apologize. I had best of intentions. We don't get together much any more and I feel time is running out. I thought doing it where it was would be easier. If I forgot to ask you guys, sorry.

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