Thursday, September 8, 2016

End of School and Summer School

Yeah, I know I've skipped the whole summer again without a post. I guess I've been lazy, but there seemed to be nothing happening until the last month or so.
     Back in June the girls got out of school and it seemed a long summer was ahead of them. Nastia went to a wedding on a Thursday, before a final and did a major... What's it called when you dive into a pool and instead of your body going in hands first, then your head and the body follows and it is real smooth. Well instead of that when you jump in and your body hits the water like when you slap your hands together...oh yeah, a belly flop, that's what she did. She had an 82 average and belly flopped the final with a 62, after her wedding night.
     I don't want you to think I'm picking on just her, I just haven't gotten to Elena yet. Our lovely youngest, well lets just say that she belly flopped most of the year, but her belly flop was more like that a middle aged man who likes to drink beer and has a big flabby belly that if he chose to get up out of his faded yellow lawn chair, with the stripes of flaking plastic strapping and attempt to dive into a pool after consuming too many bottles of the brown or golden elixir, SPLAT! She failed one subject, even after she put out the effort in the fourth quarter, poor unappreciated young lady. She was going to summer school, Nastia was going to a review class, then both were heading to an August retake of the failed exams.
     Nastia's review class was cancelled, not enough people. Elena conned us into just sending her to review class. So along with ESL summer class, she was busy from 9 am until 12:30, poor girl, why won't someone help her!!
     Elena had to get up on her own and she did a very good job of that. I'm always amazed that when she is willing to do something, she does it with out any fuss or muss. I just wish she would put it into her head that if she applied herself to school, her life would be so much easier. She just has to want to do it and she will succeed at it. I know she doesn't believe that. She thinks she is dumb, she's not, she gets things the same way I do, play with it a little and turn some knobs and after a little while you know how it works.
     Elena would catch the bus to ESL at Felex Festa about nine, I think, then spend some time at ESL until she was picked up at about ten-thirty, by my Mom, driven to the middle school in Haverstraw and picked up again at twelve-thirty. The rest of the day was hers.
   She really didn't really want to go to ESL summer. The one time I picked her up she was playing on a computer, tough life.
     We went through the two weeks or so of the review class. Nastia with the better school record was left to her own devices. On the day of the test Nastia had to be there at 8am and Elena at 12:30. It went mostly smooth, except for the results. Nastia got a 67, Elena got a 62. Both did better, sorta.

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