Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Girl clothes shopping and when Father doesn't know best.

Teri went to Toronto on Monday. On Monday evening Elena got a full blown chest cold. It had been creeping up on her all weekend and all weekend she insisted it was nothing. I kept her home on Monday and Tuesday mostly because of the coughing. I thought the teachers would send her to the nurse and I'd get a call telling me to pick up my daughter, with the implied 'your a bad parent for sending her to school today.'
  Elena enjoyed every minute of the two days. Wednesday I sent her hoping they wouldn't send her back early. All day on Tuesday she was fine. Then she goes to bed and coughs all night long. She was tired on Wednesday, but She sounded better, still coughing. Wednesday she asked to go to a friends house and I said yes. I probably should have said no being she was still coughing.
   It's 10:35 and she has been in bed for an hour and is still coughing. This usually ruins it course in a week. I have seen it before but I still feel like a bad parent because I can't get rid of her cough. I don't want to take her to the doctor because they will give her so medicine that won't really help and the cost. I'm sorry I've become a cheap bastard. We'll have good coverage again in June, can She wait?
  I went Girl clothes shopping with Nastia on Monday. I was supposed to take her to Wallmart, but I hate the Wallmart. So We went to Target. I stopped in the women's section, my daughter is a women and We should be able to find her clothes there. Nastia kept saying we had to go to the girls section and I kept telling her she wasn't a girl any more, she is a women. After ten minutes we went to the girls section, when I handed her a pair of black pants size zero and they were too big. Where do you go from zero? The answer, the girls section. We looked through it, it was a mess and there were no black pant.
  We tried BJ just for the heck of it and were out in two minutes. We then went over to JCPenney on Nastia's advice. We head straight for the girls section, not gonna fool me twice. We search around, I found some funky MC Hammer pants and Nastia laughed at them and me when I showed them to her. Did She know I thought she should try them on? Stop laughing, they might of come back into fashion. He is doing commercials in them.
   At some point in the adventure I noticed Nastia is following me. I stopped and tell her she has to be an active participant in this adventure. She replies Mom gives me clothes to try on, or something to that effect. I wanted her to be more active in the hunt. We needed black pant. How complex could that get. In JC Penny's, in the girls section in the back on the discount rack I find a pair of black pants with pockets, just like Nastia wants. Her response is the pants are too short. I say well then look for the right size. I had to find two pairs, one slightly larger than the other. I told her to go into the changing room and come out in the ones that fit the best. A few moments later she came out wearing one of them. I asked the standard question, How do they feel? Are they pulled up where they belong are they too tight (they were stretchy pants) and finally are they long enough. I didn't get them a little too long because over the last year Nastia hasn't grown. The original price was $32.00 with a 40% discount and a final price of $22. Still too much, but I wanted my trophy from this hunt.
  She got her pants. I proven to my wife I could go girl clothes shopping and pay too much. I proved nothing to her.
  The Air Force took Cory today for six years. God bless him and keep him safe I worry alot about him going in during this time in history. God keep him safe.

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