Sunday, April 17, 2016

Princess Fiona

   Imagine a shorter Princess Fiona with a slightly darker hair and Shriek, taller, thinner and brown instead of green.
   Now that you got that picture imagine that in several months (8 months) Shriek could marry Princess Fiona and the king could do nothing about it. This is also the King who Princess Fiona said, "When I marry Shriek, we're going to move to Florida."
  This Princess Fiona's biggest issue in their relationship so far has been, "What do you mean Babe you have to work today, I'm off and I have to work tomorrow when you work, oooh, noooooo.
  Yeah, I'm pissed. Princes Fiona dropped this precious little gem on me as I was picking her up from the movies with Shriek. Yeah, I know all you mommies out there are saying don't take the ramblings of a child, yes a child that is seventeen, but still a child seriously. I don't really, but it is still hurtful and when I hear her say these things I ask myself what would she do when they are married living in a one bedroom or even a studio because both of them decided to get married instead of finishing college, because Shriek said he would have to break up with her if he went away to college. And now they are married and the bloom is off the rose. You look over at that person who you married a few short years ago and ask yourself can I stand to be with that person another minute. The honest person would most likely say no. Then they would find a way to work past the low spot in the relation. But Princess Fiona is a child,very much younger then her physical age. At 17, she is more like a 14 year old. Can someone that young, physically as well as mentally summon up the will power to go on in a relationship that right now sucks. Being married is HARD!! It is the shark in Annie Hall (watch the movie!!) If it's not moving forward it's dying. Dead Sharks smell real bad.
  I was lucky, Teri and I were older when we met. We worked at our relationship. There were times that it looked like it might end, but we soldiered through. And now it's pretty good. We can fight and know how far to go. We can fight and take it beyond that point and it will still be saved by us.
 Relationships force you to look inside yourself, good ones anyway. And you find yourself asking 'Why did I just do that.' and 'Can I be a better person then that.' I have asked myself those questions and more and have been surprised by the answers. I've asked myself why I yelled at someone who just came home for something that was so small. and been surprised that I was angry at the new or someone at work who did something. It has blown my mind.
   I had an argument with Teri. It was the first day of her new job. Her cousins wife, Pat had died and I wanted Teri to not do anything. I was only working part time and she had a lot on her plate. I made dinner and afterwards I was cleaning up and she wanted to help. She got in my way and I did not want her there in the first place and she knew I was angry and I tried to tell her she was in the way. She got angry and left. A little while later she came in and said she was sorry. I went over to her and put my arms around her and began explaining what was going on in my head. I didn't know what I was going to say until I said it. I was amazed by the truth. I told her I was trying to let her relax after a long day at work and I didn't want her to be doing anything in the kitchen. And I under stood it was part of her make up to not sit by and do nothing and I was sorry. Would Shriek and Princess Fiona, the child they now are have been able to pull that off. I don't know.
 Does a Child, I teenager, someone in their twenties have the ability to continue to go back and go back in a relationship until they make it work and if they don't make it work have they done everything in their power to make it work before they leave. The younger you are the less likely you will make it last.
  I have droned on for several paragraphs and hopefully not put you to sleep. I just want my children to be happy and not make the mistakes I made,but no matter how much you tell them, they think they invented sex, illegal drugs, curse words, all the greatest dances, and if given a chance they could put the world right. God help them!! We were like that all those years ago and some of us didn't make it.

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