Saturday, September 10, 2016

Hi Tor Animal Shelter

I don't know how this will go, but the girls joined by my wife have gone to Hi Tor to take a class so they can do volunteer work at the shelter.
    I'd like to take credit for the girls volunteering, but Hi Tor was Teri's idea. Somewhere in the past Teri and I had talked about Hi Tor and the Girls volunteering. Nothing went forward. About a week ago I was thinking about Ryan and the volunteer work that was required for him and Cory to graduate High School. And the idea hit me that maybe by getting Elena involved in stuff she would be inspired to be more in this world. And want to do betterin school and have a goal. I thought Ambulance Corp. I told Teri and my Mother the idea and both came up the same reason it was not a good idea.
     Sally Ann had been a member of the Ambulance Corp. and quit because of the emonational stress it caused her. The Car accidents, drug over doses, things that I din't want thegirls to experence. My Mom said my brother Karl when he was about 17-18 joined and didn't last for the same reasons. Then Teri brings up the animal shelter again. And again I said it was a good idea.
      It was left sitting there again until today. During the week I'd signed the girls up for Russian at the ols Congers Elementry School for eleven weeks on Monday from 5-6pm. I didn't want to let anothergood idea go to waste. I looked up the web site, printed out the information and the girls looked it over and Elena came down very interested in it. The Web site instructions were very confusing, so when Teri got home she went over them and managed to figureout you needed to write the shelter first. The problem was the meeting for trainees was today. Teri e-mailed last night and surprised me by adding her own name to the list. And then this morning I got an other surprise when they replied it wasn't tolateto go to the meeting today. Paper work was filled out and off they went to the meeting.  

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