Saturday, September 10, 2016

Elena's Birthday, NOT NUMBER SIXTEEN!!!! OH NO!!

I am writing this a month after her birthday. Number sixteen, wow. That funny little kid who asked for my camera in Birobidjon by saying "fleas, papa fleas" and putting her hand in my pocket to get the camera is sixteen. Back in Russia I gave her the camera and she and her sister went around taking pictures of everyone. Who they are, they don't remember.
    Elena's birthday was on a Wednesday this year. We went to a BBQ place on Erie Street in Blauvelt called Bailey's. It was just a bar forever and one day their were a bunch of cars outside of it. I didn't think twice about it until Teri said they are cooking up some pretty good BBQ there now. We tried it about a year and a half ago. It was pretty good.
     They have a corn souffle that Teri loved and she found a recipe that I think is better then there's.
     We went to Bailey's and Elena was allowed to bring her boyfriend Mat with her. It was busy and they put us down stairs.
      We ordered an appetizer called burnt ends.
The main meal was family style (one big combination plate of food) something called the boneyard. It was Ribs, baby back and regular, chicken with three sides. Nastia, who doesn't like BBQ and had a shrimp wrap. There was enough food left over for leftovers a few days later. The place was loud and you couldn't talk, just yell. It was a nice night.
     Then about two weeks later, on a Saturday, at the house we had cake and guests over. My Mom, Karl, Madeline, Mat again, David, Nancy, Amanda and Nick all came over for Ice Cream Cake. It was a loud and nice night. About a month or so later Mat and Elena broke up.

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