Saturday, September 10, 2016

I forgot the Danger Girls Reappear at the Dutchess County Fair.

This happened on Sunday August 28, 2016 right after we did Slide the City
     Last Year I had to push for the Dutchess County Fair over Great Adventure. I know Great Adventure has all these great rides and it's all a great adventure,wow, yeah, but I can't go on the rides because of my neck and the food is awful there and very expensive. Yes, I know the food at every enclosed type of place is expensive, but at the Dutchess County Fair there is such a large variety and they are not owned by the Fair, and you do get some good food occasionally.
     We got up around eight or so with the plan of getting to the fair by eleven, so we could leave at six to go to the beach the next day. We got up around eight, Teri and I at seven, the girls at eight, we ate breakfast and picked Nancy up by ten. The GPS in the car said to take the Thruway up to an exit 19 Kingston, then go across the Hudson and enter into Rhinebeck from the north. I wanted to park in the lots near the fair grounds that are peoples lawns and are a short walk to the Fair. I knew that way and liked where we parked before. Teri thought going over the Tappan Zee bridge up the Taconic would be good. We decided to go the GPS said was best, I planned to go off that route to park where I wanted to.
We head up the Thruway and for some dumb reason I try getting off in Monroe, Route 17 instead of Newburgh twenty-five miles further north. I get back on get off in Newburgh, GPS is telling me I'm wrong to do it and it seems giving me attitude about it. I cross over the Newburgh- Beacon Bridge and go up Route 9 instead of going the Taconic like GPS wanted me to. I go through towns and stop at traffic lights and about half way through this it hits me maybe GPS was right this was not a good way to go. I turned a just under two hour trip into two and a half hours, but I did get to park where I wanted.
     We prepaid for our tickets and breezed into the fair. Our first stop, the long anticipated bathrooms. How sweet it was. Yeah, you know what I mean.
     We walk through some of the craft buildings and Teri gets a few things she likes to get there and then we get something to eat. I have been looking forward to the Philly Cheese Steak sandwich from that other vendor for a year, I knew where he was last year and I go there and he is not there. I hit this other one and to my horror after the first bit, it was the same one from last year, they moved and the other one did not come back. After a couple of bites of an overly air pumped bread, with imitation cheese sauce running down my wrist, Nasta asks me if I'm enjoying my sandwich. I ate it because I couldn't waste the eight dollars it cost me to purchase it. I should of read last years blog about the purchase experience and seeing the other vendor. I would of been sure to figure out what not to buy. When they were putting the sandwich together I had a sinking feeling that something was wrong. The Roll didn't look like a good one and the meat was all dried out and the onions and peppers were all 'been on the grill to long', but the price was the correct price.

     Well Iv'e finally learned my lesson, next year I go to the pizza guy who gave discount refills and get a slice and the discount refills there.
After food we wandered up toward the Animals and the girls wanted to pet all them. In all Barns there were signs to use the soap dispensers provided after leaving the barns. Mostly the girls did, but when they didn't and reached for my cup of soda or water for a drink, I recoil in horror and make them wash there hands, I'm becoming such a germ freak.
     It was getting late and as we wondered toward the exit.Someone notices the motorcycle/ ATV jumpers and everyone wanders towards it. We waste sometime there, then we decide we would eat at the fair to save some money. So We wander toward the midway until someone notices the pig races, yes we stay there for a while until we notice it doesn't start for half an hour.
We resume our wander toward the midway, until yes again someone notices the dog training tent and there is a show they at setting up for, and yes again we wait for a while until someone realizes it is getting late and we need to eat and we leave. We stop at a place set up by the local water company to wash your hand or get some cool water. Finally we get back to the midway. Nastia and Elena have corn,Teri eventually gets a Brisket sundae. I find the fact that they mix brisket, mashed potatoes and gravy all together disgusting. I thought I was over that, but I can't even look at it while Teri eats it, she loves it. I got a small thing of Pierogies anticipating eating Ice Cream before we left, and I did. We left the fair closer to eight then six or even seven. We went home the way we came and with no traffic it was a little over two hours when we got home. Great time. Now Tomorrow the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Teri the brisket and mashed sounds great. I love brisket
