Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Wandering the Mall and Cell phone repair

Nastia's phone quit working a week or so ago. You would swipe the screen and nothing. I had replaced the screen from a vendor in the Mall when she had cracked it several months ago. When It was taken to Apple they said it was the screen and We should take it back to the Vendor who sold it to Us.
  Nastia and I take it to the Mall and the guy asks if it was dropped, of course it was. He looks at it and says the screen is broken and needs to be replaced. He was willing to give me a brake on the price and I told him to go ahead, we'll wait.
  Nastia has always wanted to go to the Mall, with her friends, I didn't want her to go. Today while we were waiting, I went to the bathroom and left her alone for a little while. When I got back and she was still alive,I figured it was OK tolet her go wander around the Mall by herself..
  I played on my phone and off she went. About twenty minutes later, when the phone was ready and she hadn't returned, I became concerned. I started walking the lower level looking for her. I found her in Sharper Image, I think that is what it is called, listening to music and dancing a little bit to it. OH, the mischief she got into!!

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