Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Nastia went to the Movies and acted like an Ass and got it handed to her.

We went to see American Sniper the other day. Nastia asked if David could come along and I said OK.
  We picked David up a little late and went over to McDonald's to eat. David works at Burger King and didn't eat. We all had a little to eat. Elena met Jessica at McDonald's and I felt bad taking her away from Jessica, but We were on a tight schedule and we're running late.
  On the way to the Movie, Nastia picks the time to act like a teenager. Teri says something to her and Nastia says "I don't have to do that,I'm sixteen"
   Teri glares at me and I say "Just let it go and beat the crap out of her at home later."
David tells the story how he opened his mouth like she did and his Aunt put him in his place with the back of her hand, with his friends watching.
   Nastia then proceeds to open her mouth again and there is no holding Teri back. She rips into Nastia about being disrespectful and tells her to stay in the car when We get to the Movies.
  When they come in later Nastia is in tears and I try to tell her she picked the wrong time to act like a teenager.
  She gets over it and She goes off and sits with David and Elena. Teri, Nancy and I sit together and I enjoyed the movie very much. Best Movie in a long time.