Friday, February 27, 2015

Twenty minutes in a microwave, still smells after three hours

Teri and I took a Friday night to have a date night. It was the first one in almost a year.
  We told the girls, we were going out and they were going to eat alone. They we're thrill to death. Getting to eat and watch TV alone.
  We left around five-thirty, the girls told us what they were going to eat. Nastia, soup and Elena, pizza.
  We ate dinner at 'The Yard House'. It was a little pricy. Teri had a drink and a crab cakes. I had a soda and jambalaya. The total bill with tax and tip $45.00. It was so reasonable,We debated selling the girls and eating out more often.
  We saw the movie Kingsman, with Colin Forth. I wasn't expecting much and was surprised. It was a nice way to spend an evening.
  When We got home, the smell hung heavy in the air. First words out of my mouth were '' Something smells.'' It was a brunt smell. Like something made burned. Like the handle of a pot, a chemical smell almost.
  Teri calls out for the girls and Elena answers. Teri yells to her ''What's that smell?
  Elena answers in that matter of fact way she has ''I burned the pizza. I put it in for twenty minutes in the micro-wave and it burned.''
  Well, their first night alone, they survived it and only killed one pizza. Well done, girls.      

1 comment:

  1. I burned popcorn last week. It took 4 days for the smell to go away
