Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Another School year has started

Well, School year 2013-14 has been going on for almost two weeks now. School has finally gotten to be easier, more of a routine. The Girls know what is expected of them and I am better at keeping my temper. Elena was told if she did twos and threes on her circle sheet we would go see Walking with Dinosaurs when it comes out this winter. She started off good, she then had a bad day where she didn't hand in some homework she said she did and she fell asleep in class or something like that. She got two zeros and two ones. No one said anything and the next day after going to bed early she bounced back with all threes.
   Nastia seems to be doing well also. She is still getting help with her homework, but she is to bring two of them home so she can start getting used to doing them on her own. There will come a day when she is on her own as far as school work goes. I think I can manage to keep her in the small classes next year because she is going to High School and I can use the change as a reason. After that I don't know.
   They both are involved in sports again this year. They both started doing Tennis. Nastia found out there was a lot of running in it and switched to intermural Ping-Pong twice a week. Elena is sticking with it and seems to have made the team. I don't know if she is that good or it is just everyone who comes to practice gets on the team. She has never played tennis before this year. I hope they both have lots of fun doing this because there is not late bus for sports. Tell me does it make sense to have a late bus that leaves before sports end so parent have to scramble to pick up their kids at five? Schools are like the government. You look and just shake your head and wonder how they get away with it, continue looking at it and it starts to give you a headache. Become employed by them and it all becomes clear.

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