Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Your'e No Fun!!

I received a text from my wife the other day. She said she was going to take the girls to the park to go bike riding. I get another message that the girls had been to the house across the street that has been empty for most of the year. What troubles me the most is Nastia wanted to go over. The older one should of known better. When Elena says no, Nastia then says "Your No fun" So she goes with her sister. I can see when she is older someone offering her the new version of Ecstasy called Molly and when she turns it down they go and say "Your no fun" and she takes it and it kills her. I don't know how parents ever do this job. You never stop worrying. The worries just change as they get older. They go out into the world thinking that they are indestructible or it is someone else that will be the one to die or they just block it out of their mind and don't think about it.

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